Wouldnt tell you if I had a peg leg and a glass eye. All FAA medical certificate applicants are required to acknowledge that warning before submitting their application in MedXPress. Even without a lie, I've seen situations in which the need to disclose something might have been questionable and the pilot answered "yes" one year, but "no" in a later year. It explains a lot of stuff that seems ridiculous, like have you ever been unconscious. However, a few years later when I needed to take a 2nd class physical, I could not pass because of the hearing problem and the AMI made an appointment for me with the FAAs regional medical representative. If they claim pilots and truck drivers are more important or have a larger impact then ask why the average federal bureaucrat is paid so much. We are equally desiring of our freedom, but because we are a small group, the bureaucracy can get away with it. With the right preparation, you can navigate the process efficiently. This is because you know you have a condition that would disqualify you if you did apply for a Third Class medical. Ill continue to go by the book until such time as the rules change, or I wish to no longer fly. The regulations are not arbitrary. Its not lying its letting them find out, which would probably never happen unless something came out about it. I have been flying with a special issuance 3rd class physical for 15 years. When I joined the military, it popped up at MEPs and I had to complete a waiver but I was allowed to go to boot camp. There is no such thing as a good faith mistake. Email me at [emailprotected]. See Also: Do Flight Schools Drug Test Students? Also the FAA does check your National Driver Register/Record so make sure you keep your driving safe. What the FAA is looking for are patterns of behavior that suggest pathological conditions that may lead to gross negligence or unsafe decisions regarding flying. That is approximately the same magnitude as deaths from lightning strikes, or falling out of bed (literally). Here in Italy Superman still dictates. That resulted in the rejection of my 2010 medical! Its a basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies. If I have the big one in the seat here is what will happen: 1. It can also ensure you keep flying for years to come. Whether or not your AME issues your medical certificate, the FAAs Aeromedical Certification Division (AMCD) will review your application. Im older now and have some typical late 40s health issues. It doesnt work like that in mental health cases, and probably never will. I see my doctor at least once a year and sometimes twice he says Im healthy, But I dont trust the FAA. If he admits it and is taking an approved medication, there are a few extra steps but he will maintain his medical. Im a depressed individual Ive been formally diagnosed with dysthemic disorder, a long-term, low grade version of chronic depression that isnt helped with medications. I used to go up about twice a week; now I havent flown since August. He then went on to work for the leading aviation magazines, including as editor of both AOPA Pilot and Flying. Jack, petition the FAA to quit demanding the maintenance of wakefulness test. Others have their dreams dashed who lived years longer flying ultralights. Manage it and you will not have to lie to the FAA, or your AME, or your PCP. Id probably be in better shape if I *wasnt* a pilot since Id feel free to take advantage of those things, whereas now theyre just traps, ways to lose the ability to fly. Sometimes, your case can be put higher up in the stack. This is done by directly contacting you the pilot. We should not be subjected to this inquisitional questionnaire in the first place. The FAA processes close to 400,000 flight physicals every year. Medical certificates are designated as first-class, second-class, or third-class. No pill makes that any different no weekly conversation with an over-paid, disinterested asshole makes it different either. Some records reviewer in OKC can not guarantee those in my aircraft a safe journey only I can do that. Hell no!!! Fill up the plane and navigate for them. Its long and complex, but an occasional look at it, especially regarding your own health issues, is worth it. Why is it ok for a diabetic to drive without checking glucose but not a pilot? From the details they ask about, you would think you were applying to be an astronaut. I have thought about going Sport Pilot but if I am not healthy enough to pass tests for a 3rd class physical I am not healthy enough to fly sport pilot. Brian, you are right on about AMEs being able to grease the wheels for pilots with the FAA medical people. Before treatment, when I was sleepy, FAA wasnt concerned. My question is what are they doing in order to get caught. But here is where the absurdity of this over zealous pursuit of perfect safety is to be seen: The Third Class is an absolute joke. One just hopes that the untruths are regarding minor medical issues they feel will disqualify them that wont compromise their safety as well as all others around them. Returning home, the Civil Aviation Medical Board cleared me for flying. If you did go fly one, it would be a violation of the Sport Pilot rule on self certification. The questionaire is so impossible to answer honestly because it uses the word ever. You tell me how can a lighting designer be daltonic? The only variable is about what. Dr. House. Unfortunately, this can result in some pilots opting to lie on their medical. I have no problem with the current system. This is truly a Great Debate. If after that the FAA denied your application, you can seek reconsideration of that denial by making a few substantive arguments. Nonetheless, the posts are very short for novices. No further action by AWP-300. If you have any concerns about your next FAA flight physical, contact us to find out the best way to prepare. Are we the same person? You just never know, and even a thorough and honest medical will never catch anything. On a related note, has anyone used an aeromedical service company to help obtain/renew a medical certificate? Until recently, a new pilot who had prostate cancer 10 years ago and has no evidence of recurrence had to jump through a bunch of hoops, and might have required special issuance. People are willing to take the risks in exchange for their freedoms. We train for emergencies and stalls etc. So by that, one could lie of not having epilepsy for example even though they have! My new AME, (old one finally retired,) is a pilot, as is his wife, the office manager and head nurse. Perhaps most problematic is that these medications are disqualifying in and of themselves. Just do want everyone does to get into the military hide the truth. When that syndrome is cured, much of what is wrong at FAA will be cured. Lets analyze how you got to a denial and what can be done to appeal the denial. The information request usually comes with a warning about certificate revocation and enforcement action if you do not respond within the period specified in the letter. We have an entrenched bureaucracy that refuses to relinquish power and money. Its possible that a pilot could fill out a MedXpress form to the best of their knowledge and still leave something off that could be revealed in an investigation. This applies to ANY wildcat actions, including slowdown, work-to-rules, withdrawal of enthusiasm (WOE), sickouts, etc. My ex hubby did it yearly. maybe for some people want or need to lie, I jus cant do that..ur only foolin urself..I wud feel better knowin Im ok,,by bein checked..by doc,least bp anyway..if I dont feel good to drive then I wouldnt feel good to fly either..i know first hand,retired truck driver,been there done that,also their silent killers.pays to be checked by ur own doc..have idea where u stand medically.. get off fried foods n dont smoke is a BIG HELP..when I dont lie I feel better bout it too. The only good thing is that hypocrites like will feel the hit even harder when you loose your medical, and you will. If it is not recurrent, you should be able to demonstrate with help from your private treating physician that the problem no longer exists. The fibbing about a little issue. How about providing you SSAN when the FAA does not need it? dangerous individuals about whom one reads in the news at 10. Much is right there too, but that practice detracts from an otherwise good performance. Now compare the above tabulation with: GA total deaths 400 The AME guide expands on that question to unexplained unconsciousness. The AME Guide is available to all pilots on the FAA website. If they can get and autopsy on the pilot, they look for blood levels of the medications found at the crash site as well as illicit drugs that might be found in the pilots blood. An aircraft is just another machine. I have not had any problems since the bypass, medication is limited to a daily asprin, and have passed all the required tests each year. You definitely need to be in pretty good shape physically and mentally to be PIC, but I am really discouraged by the heavy-handed, intrusive, and IMHO borderline incompetent way the special issuance process works. How come the standards are so different now? Read from the question directly above the one you linked to: Long-standing FAA regulation, 61.53, prohibits all pilotsthose who are required to hold airman medical certificates and those who are notfrom exercising privileges during periods of medical deficiency. I refer them to my TMI rule; if it was transient, dont say it. Few people have memory of everything diagnosed as a child, how many appoinments one has been to in the last 3 years, or even knowledge of what the doctor has put in your medical record. What Are the Chances of Getting Caught Lying on an FAA Medical? It is already hard enough to convince the FAA that you are healthy enough to fly after dealing with lifes curve balls. Ok, I read the revised FAA 61.53 and I have been under a misconception; however, there are most likely many others who believe like I did. FAX your completed Request for Airman Medical Records Form to (405) 954-9326. Syed, The AME Guide explains that the question pertains to unexplained unconsciousness. Why would you need to report that? PIDGON IN A HAWK PACK, I love what my Union representative says, You should never lie, but there are many different ways of telling the truth.. Good guy, good doc, been at it a long time, Im healthy and got my 3rd class. Many of the changes result in the easing or clarifying the rules for AMEs to follow. I dont care who you are if you tell me that you have never been diagnosed with anything then you are the liar. There shouldnt be different standards for flying than are for driving. But have to retest for awake and alertness annually. what tests you need, when you need to take these tests, etc) to satisfy the FAA that youre good to go. At a minimum, the liar can lose flight provileges for good. However, if you do get caught, at best you will lose your license. Ignorance is, therefore, no excuse for not disclosing one of the following conditions: Due to the self-reporting nature, the chances of getting caught lying on an FAA medical arent very high. Throwaway account for obvious reasons. N Certification of employees to preform tasks, medical and eye examinations are normal in the Aerospace industry. Another friend had accompanied me to this testing and he sat across the table from me so that he could see the doctors actions. the third class should go away. Yes, I lie about the counseling part. Oh yeah did I mention that I live in an isolated community and that the next mediocre doc is a good four hour drive away? I manage my health daily so as to not have to place them in a position to yank my ticket or otherwise cause me not to self certify. Youd think somebody in the FAA would be ashamed of being this dumb and show a little initiative and courage to fix such obvious issues instead of burying their tiny little heads in the sand. Remove the AME from the loop, and there is no one but the pilot to judge whether the above situation is safe. FAX your completed Request for Airman Medical Records Form to (405) 954-9326. So Rex you never spun around and got dizzy as a child? I was an investigator for the CIA from 2001-2006 and armed security for CIA facilities for 4 years after that. This doesnt happen very often because Oklahoma City deals with up to 700,000 to one million people a year but if one does get caught then one could face some legal trouble in court. Those are hard to fake. I was then a County Police Officer for 21 years. I have been flying for 39 years and professionally since I was 18. FAA sets up high-level alerts for missed airline inspections, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Perfect safety is impossible, and an excessive attempt to achieve it will conflict with freedom. I am not an AME but am a flying physician with long experience chairing and serving on the EAA Aeromedical Council. Those marathons at age 26 paid off. Let me repeat that, every single one, no exceptions. Id never put my family in danger and drive a car if I wasnt feeling well, why would anyone think Id fly that way? He petitioned the FAA to remove his special issuance for that disorder and supplied a letter from his treating physician, and the special issuance requirement went away. They yanked my 3rd class one time, because my personal physician mistyped a statement on his annual letter to the FAA. Under the new regulation, when the first class privileges expire after twelve months, the first class medical lapses to a third class medical. They want to approve, not deny medicals. The absurdity of these medicals resides in the tiny number of casualties from medical incapacitation, compared to most other activities requiring no medical. Since LSA pilots need no physical, why should non-commercial pilots flying require a Class 3 medical? That is when the truth will come out. And even if you assume not, an investigation will cause a demand to produce documents and then the liar is cooked. If you think your AME charges too much, find someone else. Sorry for apparently differing from the crowd on this, but I think people are nuts if they are lying. Neither one can tell me exactly what it is I have to do to get my medical / student certificate now. Thats a great question, Ben. But the standards are not different. All I wish is that they would figure out a way to distinguish between a lie and an honest omission. People Lie to do what they love to do. PO Box 882196
I say that based on the relative numbers discussed above. I started flying and was completely awe-stricken. A quick examination of the many truthful and honest individuals that are truthful during their AME exams and are no barred from ever becoming a pilot! Investigating complaints from citizens and co-workers. One will get a license. If anyone cares to share their thoughts or any advice I would appreciate hearing from you. These blogs are linked to your name/email be truthful but be careful. Does A Surgical Mask Help Avoid COVID-19? You have to be careful what you ask for. Some pilots are terrified of the FAA's power to revoke their flying privileges and, accordingly, bend or ignore the rules. Office hours M-F 8:30am - 5:00pmOur Privacy
Yes its very rare for someone to have heart attack or neurological brain seizure in flight. Sorry, screwing around with Oklahoma City since May 2011 (not 2010). So why are private pilots singled out for this rediculous harrassment ? If the problem for which you have special issuance no longer exists, ask the FAA to cancel the SI. If you qualify for an FAA medical certificate, they will issue it to you at the end of your appointment, document your exam findings, and transmit your application to the FAA. Give blood, nope, they do tests on it, might find something. AS for moving the old trainers into the light sport rules is not really a great option either, just get some training and rent a light sport. No, get a different one. The AME might be required to defer your Medical Certificate, but you will be 3-4 months ahead by having the AME submit your medical information along with the 8500-8 rather than waiting for the FAA to ask for the information. Once everything is done and documented properly,they should issue the medical quickly. Anyway if your willing I have a ton of questions for you. I know of several pilots who have useful vision in only one eye or have amblyopia that makes it impossible for them to pass the eye exam. Keep in mind that the FAA receives something like 430,000 8500-8 each year. You just hit a key to the problem. It is a scam, a make-work project for administrators, and btw, doctors who make a practice of the bulk of business, which is 3rd class. The bottom line is,if you cant be truthfull to yourself,you cant be truthfull at all. I greatly respect him, and therefore, I must meter the information I give him about my own medical problems ungood! I was just having so much fun and I didnt realize just how difficult it was going to be. I can empathize with that Louis. Delaying your AME appointment over several weeks to gather the right information can eliminate months of review by the FAA. I found my regular doctor because I was looking for an AME. My AME is my regular Doctor. The current system not only encourages dishonesty, it encourages pilots to avoid medical treatment and ignore symptoms. An airline pilot may have 500 passengers aboard while flying under stringent IFR conditions. Heres more information on the FAAs battery of neuropsychological testing: https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/avs/offices/aam/ame/guide/dec_cons/disease_prot/adhd/. With that framework in mind, it should be obvious that the FAA has a number of overlapping methods to catch you lying on your flight physical application. The relative numbers of fatalities in all of General Aviation (GA) vs those from other causes. They have little to do but think up new restrictions, all under the banner of safety. In other words, your health is in your hands. So the Medical certification system is statistically, virtually, perfector..redundant AS LONG AS you are in a multi-crew aircraft. Not just surprise test changes from the FAA but the FMCSA again wanting to reduce truck drivers hours of service due to fatigue despite the lack of evidence published on the FMCSAs own web site. While I dont think most will lie on their medicals, I feel that some will if they have an issue and are in fear of losing their certificate(s). Why? It's safer to allow people to self-disclose and get help, rather than non-disclosure and possibly flying impaired. The medical only looks at your health at the point in time. They were like so we dont think you ever had it Passed tests with flying colors. But is the whole medical certificate process flawed? Free health screenings, nope, wont do those, might turn up something (whether correctly or incorrectly) that could end up costing me a fortune to deal with. Also remember Ronald Crews 16 months in jail flying with Cape Air back in 2006 for lying about his diabetes on question 18k and then he had a diabetic seizure in flight but luckily there was a student pilot there to land the plane. I see a lack of evidence that this saves lives. Sign up for our free email newsletter, packed with tips, tricks and news for pilots. I have thought that it would be much safer if boaters and driver carried medicals. This article does not in any way counsel the reader as to how to appropriately respond to questions on the FAA medical application, nor does it give medical advice regarding the accuracy of the readers medical history. If you don't disclose it the likelihood that they find out about it are pretty slim, though. You should report any AME who does not do a reasonably thorough examination and review what you put on the 8500-8. The flight will continue without further incident. I understand why a lot of this stuff, like the sport pilot initiative, takes so long and always falls short, but cmon, this one is easy and its gonna bite them in the ass. Something like 75% of all medicals that arrive in OKC come from outside the USA. https://www.oig.dot.gov/sites/default/files/SAFE_PILOT_Testimony_july17.pdf. I asked him why I had to jump through all these hoops if I could get a waiver. Im another one that was originally honest and regrets it. If you ever lose it you can simply request a new one. Obviously, many do. The FAA has created an atmosphere that not only encourages problems to go unchecked and unreported, but actually makes some of those problems worse by discouraging pilots from addressing them, instead allowing them to fester. Question 17 can identify for the FAA that an individual is currently taking a disqualifying medication such as Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta, Strattera, etc, commonly used to treat ADHD. - I am going to take my FAA First Class Medical examination in a few months for my very first certificate. There are people who should not fly, and the current system induces many of them to overcome their passions and cease flying as PIC. Therefore, I lied. Furthermore, any standard of medical concern for pilots is lost because it allows the FAA to turn a blind eye to a medical condition. He as a jet driver and as the sole pilot that might have been a problem during the flight he was scheduled for the next day. I cheeted on a eye test flowen with out a incedent. Not all applicants with OSA are required to have that test. Im about done flying, it is expensive enough without the FAA making it more so needlessly. It is against the APC Forum Rules to advocate any labor action which is not authorized by the RLA/NMB. Pilots also fly without annual inspections, insurance and they might even go flying without getting a briefing first. Perhaps most problematic is that these medications are disqualifying in and of themselves. If one does lie this is an example of what could happen facing fines of up to $250,000,and possibly up to 5 years of federal imprisonment,and certificate revocation. 99.999999% of pilots can and should self-certify for 3rd class flying. Dont take it personally, those are just the facts on the ground. Learn more here: thepilotlawyer.com/faa-medical/. I could not stop thinking about being in the air. 'I get many calls from pilots who ask how to deal with a situation where a misrepresentation was made in the past'most often on a medical certificate application'which is now coming back to haunt them,' says attorney Charles M. Finkel. I know there are very experienced Senior AMEs out there who may have more influence with a phone call to Oklahoma City. Anonomous, Doesnt this seem grossly out of proportion? Bungee jumping. There's also the possibility that the results of a blood or urine test will expose a condition you tried to hide. I was even showing a bit of talent for it and progressing very nicely towards my private pilot certificate. Whether or not your AME issues your medical certificate, the FAAs Aeromedical Certification Division (AMCD) will review your application. I got the picture regarding medical, but am concerned about the section regarding legal history. His first action was to pull out a form with three columns of Have you ever? items each requiring a yes/no response. ; if it was going to be careful what you ask for physicals every year the... To advocate any labor action which is not authorized by the FAA something. 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