I hv 3 dogs..all rescue. If he stays here, we will have to put him down due to the low quality of life. How is this possible? A side note for anyone thinking of giving up their pet due to exorbitant vet fees. he attacked my neighbors child, snapped at my baby & killed my cats kitten., to That being said, if they give them up to a Kill Shelter, they should NOT be allowed to adopt. I feel that people who give up their pets just because they dont want them anymore should not be able to adopt from any shelter. So basically it should be based on why there was a previous surrender. They choose to adopt, but the shelter wont let them, so they are forced to go to the pet store. I think it depends on the circumstances. I do not believe that someone who gives up a pet should not be allowed to adopt another pet, nor purchase from a breeder (back yard, pet store what have you, but these are only in it for the money so a lot harder to condemn) However, I strongly feel that rescues and shelters should be able to provide assistance when it comes to tough times. None of which they wanted to deal with or heal. After staff evaluation, if your pet is deemed a medical or behavioral high risk, there is an additional $35 fee for the extra labor, behavioral enrichment, hospice care, medication, and possible euthanasia if you choose to still surrender your pet to the shelter. These irresponsible pet owners make me sick. I definitely think animal abusers should go on a registry and shared with all to avoid repeats in those circumstances, also if people have habitual pet turn ins that should be considered for a registry. I figured the Humane Society would have a better chance of finding a new home for her than I could. Yes sometimes a particular animal is not a good fit for the home maybe the family needs a dog that doesnt shed as much or doesnt bark as much or is more friendly towards small children so they should be given an option to find a pet that is a better fit for them. This is an easy NO for most and a maybe for a couple situations. There are so many variables here. People can and do change I remember as a child, riding with my mom to surrender our cat and her litter of kittens to our local pound. My first reaction, no, no more chances. So do I think they should get a second chanceI have no answer, maybe? and I have had different pets at home for as long as I can remember. Absolutely No!! She finally stopped when, the only thing that would grab her attention away from me was string beans (she liked them). Never knowing if their dog was killed or adopted. then you are a bad person in my book and the FBI agrees w/me. My choices were to sentence my cat to a life of fear and guaranteed violent death, or return the dog I loved to the shelter. She was left there by her firmer owner to die. no but then we would be violating their rights politicians can kiss my a$$. The only exception I can think of is if the dog is aggressive and you fear for your safety and/or the safety of others, AND all medical possibilities have been eliminated and behavioral intervention has been unsuccessful. They are both rescues and suffered terribly prior to me giving them a home. THEY DEFINITELY SHOULD NEVER, EVER AND I MEAN EVER BE ALLOWED TO HAVE A DOG !!!!!!!!! So sad to give your animal away to be killed. Many humans go for an aesthetically pleasing dog, regardless of its character, they do not find out about what their particular dog needs. I wanted to find the dog a new home myself, but our contract with the shelter specified that we had to return her if we couldnt keep her ourselves. Surrendering a pet can be an incredibly difficult decision. I guess in that vain of thought. NYC ACC kill dogs every day. Far too many excuses for dumping their animals, no time, had a baby, new boyfriend or husband doesnt like the animal. We require the legal owner of the animal to perform the surrender. These folks dont necessarily have a big heart, so much as a desire to bring kill bait to illegal fighting rings. An animal is not a disposable object. We understand there are times when families must consider surrendering a pet. Yes, absolutely. God is not dead and is still in charge of EVERYTHING. But, in so many cases, the just tired of taking care of the animal. Call 412-345-0348 to speak with one of our knowledgeable staff about the pet you are looking to surrender. I knew what I was getting myself into taking those dogs into my home and hv no regrets.I love them dearly and wd do it all over again as they hv become an essential part of my life. In compliance with the Veterinary Practice Act, if you choose to return the animal you won't be able to readopt him/her at any time. Relinquish a Pet If you need to relinquish your pet, please contact the Naperville Area Humane Society at (630) 420-8989. I think it dependssometimes folks do stupid things when they are ignorant. If unforseen circumstances force the adopter to give up the animal, every effort should be made to secure a new safe home for the pet. Are they to be forever banned from having a pet to love and care for again if and when circumstances turn around? Tip: If you don't have the money to cover the pet surrender fee, you can let the shelter staff know; they might either use paid donations to pay it off or take in your dog for free. A few get a more chances if reserved, but if the person that is supposed to pick them up doesnt show next day they go back to the list. Shelters and rescues need fosters to help care for dogs while they look for their forever homes. I ended up moving to a 55 and above community in Delaware and of course because of him being a pit people judged him he was known as the killer dog which pissed me off then to make matters worse he broke loose and attacked a dog in that neighborhood so I tried like hell to keep this dog he was a sweetheart.But cops were called again and I was not going to let anybody take him from me and put him down. You dont know if the people waiting at this shelter were on the verge of homelessness due to economic circumstances or couldnt keep the dog because of situations like the one I was in. When you surrender your pet (s), please consider the expenses incurred by Capital Humane Society in evaluating and caring for your animal. Sometimes an adopted dog exhibits behaviors not mentioned when adoptedfor example, my son adopted a boxer mix and found it to be food aggressive and it went after family members with a vengeance. We tried everything to find out what was wrong , we did 3 different trainers , also very pricey doggie shrink at $400.00 a hour and had to drive to a near by state to see her, after 5 trips she told us that she didnt know what was going on with the dog. Im sure I left out some of the classic excuses, but you get my drift. I never saw her again. Most of us, (thankfully) have never been in a truly desperate situation. We got our first dog from the humane society when he was 16 weeks. If you are no longer able to care for your animal, you can bring him/her to the MSPCA. I would hate to see anyone not have the love of an animal in their life. Vicious with my daughter and one day he bit her in the face n because I surrender him no one wont let me adopt again n I feel its on fair. No, they should absolutely loose their privilege. My philosophy is that once youve made the decision to adopt that pet, they are then family. I understand there may be some extenuating circumstances, such as a sudden terminal illness of the dog, or even of a family member, or a sudden loss of income that continues to the point of not being able to care for the animal. Just like animal abusers, they should go on a worldwide animal abuse registry (during and after their prison time). I know many folks who unknowingly bought a dog from a pet store not knowing about puppy mills and were aghast after they found out. spayed and find homes for her kittens. Abuse. Per ownership is one that comes with many trials and tribulations but the joy that they bring to your life is so worth it. For example, what if you are an abuse victim, have to get out, and the abuse shelter wont take your pet yet you dont dare leave your pet with your abuser for fear of what might be done to them. 3599 NW 79th Ave. Doral, FL 33122. And ideally, most loving pet owners would find any way to keep their animal. Im happy that I was able to take him, so many arent as lucky. I would rather sell my home than give up either of my two dogs. I dont like the fact that former adopters surrender their pets for any reason (even though some may be justified). No they should not. Surrender Your Pet The vast majority of the pets at our humane center are ones we have transferred into our care from government shelters where those animals' lives were at risk. He wanted to run, and that wasnt that bad in my mind. Thats the chickens way out and those types of individuals should not be allowed to adopt again because they will do the same thing again. My older pup, however, was supervised by a woman whose husband didnt like dogs- so around 2:30 p.m., not even an hour after Id located the dogs, she texted me that she had to have the humane society pick him up. What is dogs and cats did that to their owners. If we could donate time and money to our local shelters then we can enact positive change. I consider pets family. But as far as surrendering your own animals or a rescue animal that you have personally rescued out of a shelter that is a big no for me. The cat however was totally, 101% terrified of the dog (who was about the same size as the cat). I think it should be conditional. You turn in any animal to a shelter especially a high kill should be put on a no-adopt/buy/foster list. the shepard mix i owned was very protective and only liked 3 people. It would be of some help, if we knew why you returned him, like if you were allergic. Some people have no choice. Think Adoption First! But she said the shelter told her they had homes waiting for them and they would leave immediately. im hearing about too many people dumping older dogs and turning right around and adopting a puppy! I just read a story this morning where an A** hole surrendered his 6 year old dog and then adopted a puppy. No, I dont think they should be allowed to adopt again. No way. Majority of dogs will be put to sleep? She luckily works from home and he needed around the clock care. I think if they surrender their dog then it should go state wide or farther that they cant adopt any more pets. I simply could not deal with him being fostered out so I brought him home. Not only do I think they should never be allowed to adopt another animal as long as theyre alive, I think that they should be euthanized as well! If you cant do at least that much, then dont get one. I feel no one that gives up there pet should be able to adopt again for at least 15 yrs. So I made the tough decision because I wanted him to live. She had been on a farm where she had attacked a horse and they wanted to give her a chance. I must say that I have come to love all animals better than most humans. PEOPLE THAT DO THIS CRAP MAKE ME SICK!!!!!! I wouldnt want my name on any list for doing that. Children should be included in this, some people are selling their kids and I dont think many people are aware of this. Making that decision was tough. Clearly there is a pattern. There ARE situations that leave no other choice than to leave an animal. It would be nice if it could be determined on a case by case basis. Voicemails and emails are checked periodically throughout the day, even when the Shelter is closed. There should also be a list for animal abusers too!!! Then what? Im not saying it was perfect at the beginning but together we learned and now he is the sweetest boy on earth. I worked Animal Control for several years and there are very few that should be allowed to adopt again, but there were a very few that I would have to say because of the circumstances, I would have to say yes. If you were in a scenario where you tried to keep the animal, but couldnt, the best thing to do would be surrender the animal to a no-kill shelter or a rescue organization. Adopt a Pet Search all pets available for adoption. I also think maybe consideration should be given whether the person drops the dog at a kill or no kill shelter. You should not be allowed to get another dog if you have surrendered yours. And I hate when people judge me and call me heartless when they dont have a clue of what I endured prior to his vet visits and after surrendering him. I know this is an old post but I just wanted to rehash my own story as its such an open wound. If youre not familiar with the breed you are adopting-research them first. They should ban stupid people not pitbulls. Some pet owners think that when they surrender their pet to a shelter that the pet will be loved and spoiled for as long as it takes to find them a homethe truth is often quite different. What if they relinquished a cat because their newborn is allergic to cats, but not dogs? If a person cannot provide all of these requirements, they need to find a safe place that will. Truth is, special or not, a majority of the dogs dumped will never again know what it means to have a family, to play with a toy, to enjoy a treat. Not just no but HELL no!!!!!! I rushed there to get my dog, having been in a meeting for work 45 minutes away, having begged my husband who worked nearby to do and him refusing because it wasnt his job anymore. I called the humane society and asked them to hold off, they said they couldnt. None of us knows the reasons people surrender their pets from a picture in the media. I live in a 4 season state and there were cases of animals that were dumped in rural areas and left to freeze to death, think that would be much worse than turning a dog in if the owner was not going to keep the dog either way. To just turn around and surrender them to be euthanized? I suppose it really depends on the circumstances. Your dog gets hit by a car and you cant afford the medical bills so you surrender the pet to a shelter to be euthanized, no pet for you for 5 years minimum. The worst scenario is where a pet has been abused and, because of the short stay duration, is euthanized before any action can be taken thus destroying evidence. Just becausr you had to surrender a pet doesnt mean your a horrible personlearn the circumstances before judging people and situations and banning them from things. No I dont think think they should get to adopt any dog eve they threw that one away, piece of carp pplr. Ive been involved in rescue since 2001 and during that time, annual estimates of dogs killed by shelters in the US has dropped from 12 million to currently 3 to 4 million. People take jobs and lose jobs but are expected to find work again. So, to say we should never be allowed to adopt again, is not fair at all. I just wonder how can they sleep at night. Senior dogs are so gentle and loving; theyre still part of the family. It would depend on why they are surrendering the pet. If they are too lazy or stingy to take care of one dog/cat, common sense tells you they are not going to take care of the next one! The registry is a good idea but you have to judge on an individual basis it cant be black and white. A dog is forever and unfortunately they dont live as long as us but I sure wish they did!! If I could have taken them with me, I would have. However, Im sure there are certain circumstances where its in the dogs best interest to take it somewhere else. I WOULD NEVER GIVE UP MY BABYS FOR ANYTHING I LOVE ALL ANIMALS ALWAYS HAVE ALWAYS WILL, SO NO, NO, NO. Even Petsmart Charities Tom Cramer has done this, and he is one of the forerunners in animal sheltering). Please. I have to agree that someone who surrenders their pet to a shelter shouldnt be able to adopt again but how would you distinguish that from someone who picks up a stray dog and takes it to the shelter and doesnt know any better, or honestly has no way to house that stray? Most cities offer other options, and national rescue groups try to help out as well. They should be put on a national Do Not Adopt To list. Animal welfare needs to become a more professional and less judgmental field if we want to save them all. Craigslist, newspaper, Facebook, Walmart parking lot. Because I did not want the cat to have to spend the rest of her life alone in one room with minimal human contact, I finally gave up and arranged to take her to the local NO-KILL animal shelter. I have two critters that I have gotten from rescues. You better have a very good reason! I would no sooner abandon my two legged children! You must have an appointment to surrender your pet. Not only should they not be allowed to adopt, or own a dog, they should all face jail time and never be allowed around animals. If they are facing financial and/or health issues, then they should be able to adopt when they get back on their feet. And work for the poor kitty he gets dumped again that cat would have been fine how many homes do these poor creatures have to go through we have to understand animals feel love and pain think people think. With tears, my kids and wife said goodbye and I brought him to a no-kill shelter. If Wendys situation improves and her life becomes more stable, then I would be the first to encourage her to look for another dog to adopt. Surrendering a dog means that you are relinquishing ownership of the pet to a shelter or rescue. These people should not be allowed to breathe, much less ruin animals lives. Its a case by case thing. We read about all the dogs that are abandoned and left to fend for themselves, these owners were willing to stand in line and wait to see that thier dog was in a safe situation before they left. I just thought the 1st comment didnt work. Generally, when a person surrenders their animal to a shelter, they have no further rights to that animal. Or find someone to give the pet to. If the baby is in danger then YESrehome the dog but dont just dump it in a shelter. Behavior issues Can't afford care I have a small senior dog who came to me via a rescue group. They will do it again. And for that I should be denied the possibility of adopting another animal? It really depends on the reason for surrendering. I dont think that makes me a horrible person. I probably should have thought better the second time; I really believed my cat would be OK with a dog as she had before. If you have found a stray dog, please contact the animal control officer in the town in which the dog was found. No. YES!! Absolutely not. There is no excuse for surrendering or abandoning a cat, dog or any of Gods creatures. If they really cared about their pets the pet owner would actually look for a no kill shelter and place their dog their. However this should be utilized to ONLY list the abusers (and I include those that surrender their dogs because he sheds and other such nonsense reasons. I also give a pass to people who adopt an adult animal only to find that they were a danger to someone else in the home. I think it should be made that they cant adopt any more pets for a certain amount of years, like 5. But like most offenses, it is wrong to condemn the act without the whole story. Domestic Cats - $50. Now retired after 35+ years, I have adopted a dog (setter) I have always wanted, and will keep until she or I die. During my many visits to the local Humane Society, I have seen intake reasons such as, Owner died and family couldnt keep dog, Dog was not good with children in the home, Family lost house and cannot keep dog. I think its an entitled position to take to assume that everyone who is forced to take a dog to a shelter is doing so because they dont care about the pet and deem them unworthy of adopting in the future. Perhaps others simply didnt care. I think there should be a registry for this, just as there should be a registry for animal abuse. In fact when we adopt on all papers that we sign it should read While I think that Wendy and Lucy could have gotten along living on the streets, Wendy did what she thought was best for Lucy, even though it was a very difficult decision for her to make. That said, there needs to be a means of recordkeeping so when people want to adopt an animal, shelters can see whether they hsve a history of neglect, abuse, or surrendering animals. I am simply amazed at how judgmental people are when it comes to things they know absolutely nothing about. A photograph that went viral on social media a few weeks agoshowed dozens of dog owners, with their dogs ranging in size, age, shape, and breed, lined up outside the intake department of a South Florida kill shelter. Do keep in mind, we are a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. If you are surrendering multiple pets, you will need to schedule an appointment for each pet. I also have a cat that has to live in my garage and roam around the neighborhood it was dumped at my house I have had it neutered brought it today on shots microchip and flea treated. I dont think they should ever be allowed to adopt or own a dog again. Although the premise seems justified to have a ban on owning another pet, I agree with previous poster, Cyndy, in making it a case by case judgment. I do know that a very small number of people cannot keep their dogs BUT they are the minority. I would have loved to have taken a 24 to each of them for their heinous disregard for life! It would have to be a very dire emergency reason that prompted them to give up their animal, in my opinion, to stop them from being on the list because, if youd do it once youd do it again. Hed move 30-pound cinder blocks to cut through holes hed made in the fence. As a dog trainer and dog rescuer I say , NO. I dont think everyone that chooses to give up their pets should never be allowed to adopt again, just as there are reasons that some people give up their own children for adoption and that doesnt mean they will never be able to have children of their own, but I think the vast majority who give up their pets, especially those who bring them to kill shelters, SHOULD be on a forbidden list. My self I will never give up my two babys they are part of me and they are the ones to have keep me alive till this day they the ones I live for. And anyone surrendering an old dog should be flogged straight out. Even former high kill shelters in rural areas are getting on board with rescue and foster programs. But of course, unless you are indeed well off, with the appropriate housing to provide this menagerie with the necessary living-space, and dont let your kid unattended with the animals (eg, prevent the little prince to pull on tails or stick fingers in eyes), Im willing to adjust my opinion. I dont believe for a minute that animal all of a sudden became aggressive for no apparent reason, just out of the blue, unless he had a brain tumour, 10 out of 10 times its due to the owners ignorant and neglectful keep, which usually ends by doubly victimizing the animal. If you can no longer care for your pet then make the effort to find a good home. If it was your child would you turn it in? Both times it was a painful and heart breaking situation. Then in several years, those dogs could end up at the shelter, too. This was two days after my husband left me and my kids high and dry. My first inclination is to say no but it isnt always black & white. There are many other options. Like I said, it depends on the situation. I didnt decide I was tired of my dog and get rid of him. No. I think if you couldnt handle or didnt want the first pet you shouldnt ever be allowed to adopt more. It gets rather tiresome to hear people vilified for doing the right thing and taking a pet to a shelter when they cant (yes, or wont) care for an animal any longer. I know I was young and ignorant once..and Ill bet a lot of other folks were too. Depends on the situation. There are so many dogs that will never get adopted because of all the requirements to adopt. He was a nervous dog and would bite without warning. That to me is unacceptable. I want to create a home for a dog that may have experienced what I did to my dog. If they do mistreat the dog/animal they should banned from adoption. But I see no reason for them to surrender it to a kill shelter and would hope that they tried every other option available. Obedience Classes, Seminars, andPrivate Consultationsare available for varying levels of training and behaviour issues. They should be completely banned from ever owning a pet. Stronger laws need to be made and enforced for irresponsible pet owners! I cant understand how anyone can just throw away a pet. terrible choice I would take my dog to a NO KILL shelter. If there is a surrenderer list that shelters have to look at before they can let someone adopt, breeders should have to look at the same list. Of course youll get all kinds of false names and people dumping their dogs anonymously at night but at least we could try to make them stop and think about what theyre doing. Depends on the circumstance. Or, the owner dies, Like the previous owner of my beloved little Cindee, or a 4th of July runaway and got lost, like my Dirty Bill who, when found was so scared he wouldnt come out from under a house to eat. They can start a Facebook group and link it to their website to encourage residents to follow whats going on and help them promote the animals available for adoption or those in need of donations for medical care. Her being the good person she is, she gave the dog to a rescue that had the resources to care for the dog. As soon as the pup gets to be 10-12 months old, them dump them and get a new puppy! We urge you to consider every alternative to relinquishment and to utilize fully the resources we make available before surrendering your pet to a shelter. 1 answer. some people have legitimate reasons that they have to do this. I have even made arrangements with family that if something should happen to us, they will take her in for the rest of her days. IF in time they want to adopt again there must be strict conditions that are followed up on to ensure they are followed! So if they surrendered their fur baby to a shelter, no-kill or not, because they decided they didnt want the responsibility of pet anymore then they shouldnt be allowed to adopt again. No, they should not be allowed to adopt again. I loved that dog and I will always love her, but I couldnt force my cat to live in fear for the rest of her life and put her safety at risk, knowing it was only a matter of time before shed be killed. If the dog you just adopted keeps trying to attack one of your other pets, or a family member, sometimes your only options are surrender or taking to the vet for euthanasia. I have adopted a dog and unfortunately had to give them up because I was not, could not, be the best caregiver for that dog. It's to help them. He snaps at the babys face and cuts the babys face and shoulder. It was better then her living in a car and she got adopted right away. We rotate the dogs each of the two dogs do not get along spend quiet time in an upstairs bedroom. They got them off Craigslist, or backyard breeders, or their neighbor/friend whose dog had a litter of puppies because they were too ignorant/irresponsible to spay/neuter. No, I think you should not be allowed to adopt again. There are people who, through no fault of their own, have lost their residences and, thusly, lost their ability to reach out or even search for a no-kill shelter. So we gave her a chance. Its probably not a good idea to charge them or make it difficult to surrender because the will dump them. They should be asked the tough questions first, have a waiting period first of a few days. For your kids this is a great learning exercise and if these groups know the public is watching they might just make real effort to help dogs and not just beg for donations with photos of long dead dogs. Shelter attendant Taylor Milligan said that she would be best suited for a single-cat home. Another few weeks and it let me pick it up. Anybody who adopts from a shelter/rescue is most likely well aware of the plight of the majority of shelter animals, and would be hard-pressed to relinquish a dog to the same shitty situation it came from, if they have a smidgeon of a conscience. Luckily I only had my chiwe had to sleep in my car in different parking lots for about 3 weeks. I dont think they should be allowed to adopt again. This probably would of gone a different way. Had this had been a different dog that attacked the other dog. All should be registered, vets should have access to a database and if they bring in an animal for services, they should be heavily fined. I recently did an unthinkable thing an d good vet counseled me. I wouldnt want my name on any list for doing that nothing about been in a desperate. 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The baby is in danger then YESrehome the dog at a kill shelter and would bite without warning to to! Legitimate reasons that they tried every other option available in several years, like if cant... Life is so worth it allowed to adopt again for at least 15 yrs a certain amount of years those! But together we learned and now he is the sweetest boy on.! Surrendering an old post but i just wonder how can they sleep at night, have small..., much less ruin animals if you surrender a pet can you adopt again a story this morning where an a * * hole surrendered his year! If their dog was killed or adopted she was left there by her owner... Violating their rights politicians can kiss my a $ $ adopt more turning right around and them! ( 630 ) 420-8989 they have no further rights to that animal them for their heinous disregard life. With me, i dont think think they should be completely banned from adoption different! Place that will of our knowledgeable staff about the same size as the pup gets to be 10-12 months,. Adopting another animal or didnt want the first pet you are adopting-research them first that. Say that i was young and ignorant once.. and Ill bet a of... Relinquish a pet are forced to go to the pet owner would actually look a...