And 'tis said his power is supreme in all the Multiverse. Can leap endless miles for a straight twenty-four hours without being tired (from Fantastic Four Vol 1 #25). Superhuman Speed, this one seems kind of obvious in retrospect but is still a little surprising, the Hulk can run over 300 hundred miles an hour, although as he grows angrier and more powerful, his footfalls cause more and more damage to the ground, causing the ground to break apart under him, thus giving him no traction (so it's easier to jump a Doing this boosts her powers and makes her unstoppable. Has a remarkable amount of control over his abilities. [17][18] As the One Above All, it builds; as the One Below All, it breaks; and it breaks so that it could build anew. The future in which Breaker of Worlds managed to destroy all life in the Universe never happened, all because of the meddling of Leader. The discrepancy was resolved by giving the character the official full name "Robert Bruce Banner.". Puck mentioned that it had been stroking minds and moving things around to suit its plans. If you want to check out more about TOBA Hulk and its powers, definitely reach out to The Immortal Hulk comic book released in 2018, written and developed by Al Ewing, Joe Bennet, Alex Ross, Kaare Andrews, Clayton Crain, and Sal Buscema. Resists the Leader's mind blasts (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #367). Unless you're wanting to put him up against characters of other properties, such as DBZ, DC, whatever, then it becomes a case of how you want to scale each property's own super capital G Gods. As World War Hulk, resisted having his own power harnessed against him. TOBA likewise took control of other mutates such as Sasquatch and Jailbait. Lack of its own mind leads TOBA to possess only terrible desires, leading to destroying everything in its sight, so TOAA can rebuild and erect a new cycle and creation of the world. Able to physically overpower one of The Celestial Order beings who were powered by the Heart of the Universe, same ones who were strong enough to one-shot Doctor Strange and Namor (from Marvel: The End #4). This makes him. Survived in a realm with infinite density (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #370). Hulk's body is constantly mutating and evolving the longer that he lives. Similar to when Job asked God the reason of his suffering, the Savage Hulk demanded to know why he is the way he is. While unleashing himself, Hulk also kills/disintegrates an amped Fin Fang Foom, Arm'Chedon, Bi-Beast, Wendigo, all the Mindless Ones (a feat not even Dormammu nor Umar could accomplish), demons, goblins, trolls, monsters, Tyrannus, Amadeus Cho and Dr. Sofia Di Cosimo (This was also an indirect consequence in consonance with the secondary effect described above). Being the dark counterpart of the TOAA, TOBA shares the powers of its other side, which is essentially nigh-limitless and unrivaled power. Seems like a really simple way to beat the Hulk(wonder why everyone doesnt just do that? The reason for this is that there are multiple personalities in his head and it becomes even harder to try to control him when his rage increases. Let me explain Hulk was still under the control of TOBA before he became cosmic hulk remember he got that amp after he ate the sentience of the 9th multiverse which is the 9th incarnation of. Beyond any known system of abilities. No matter what intentions or desires a being using its power (in the form of. Absorbed absorbed the power of Pandora's box which is explicitly stated to be. Hulk has been a notable Marvel character since the 1960s and still is one of the most important parts of the Marvel Universe. Destroying the Crypto Man after its physical strength became superior to that of even Thor (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #205). Bruce, grew up as a highly withdrawn, intellectually gifted youth, in fact, a child prodigy. So, with some calculations we can conclude Hulk can exert upto 54,880,000N of force when casually punching. The radiation coming from the Hulk was enough to give Banner's love interest. The mystery frightens and disgusts me. Strange: The Best Defense #1). Granted with powers and abilities similar to that of the Flash, the Reverse-Flash is unwavering in his determination to oppose and destroy all that's important to the Flash. I howl through many mouths. Bruce Banner can't really control the Hulk. Survived a powerful lightning from Thor (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #440, Onslaught Reborn #3). But at Superheroes Central we always looking for to cool stuff to share with you guys and we found this great clip on you Tube which explains better than we ever could just how strong the Hulk is. Withstood the weight of a star (from Infinity #6). The story of TOBA Hulk begins with Brian Banner, Bruces father. Hulk explodes with only a skeleton left. Apart from stomping and causing earthquake across entire continents and planets, the World-Breaker has phenomenal destructive abilities. [3], When Sasquatch was killed in a bar fight, Brian possessed him next and sent him on a feral rampage. Can flex his lungs and release a breath that sends a regiment of soldiers flying (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #5). Simply the greatest AQWorlds Server in existence, greatest Browser MMORPG online game on the universe, join NOW. Can absorb radiation, he has also shown the ability to absorb some surprising energy sources. After that event, Brian was placed under arrest for murdering his wife and sent to a mental hospital while Bruce was sent to live with his aunt and father's sister, Susan Banner, who understood his great pain and rage over his childhood sufferings. An Elder of the Universe failed to overpower him (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #248). We know that TOBA has the ability to manipulate extreme gamma radiation and to take possession of gamma mutates. However, this allowed Banner's Green Scar persona to briefly emerge and strike Xemnu with a powerful punch that smashed Xemnu instantly, ending his mind control (from Immortal Hulk #33). They find the humanity in God.God (One Above All), The One Above All is the ultimate source of life and creation and the architect/creator of the Multiverse and everything that exists. It helped and offered Beta Ray Bill hope when all seemed lost. Now there is I. TOBA Hulk wants to annihilate all of the universes until everything is dark, dead, and empty as he is. Could survive without oxygen at all due to his body constantly evolving to protect itself. When Hulk loses a body part or suffers internal damage, his body repairs itself and regrows anything damaged. Together with Bruce and Joe, they leave the Below-Place with the Leader, leaving the One Below All without a personality and as a mere counterweight once more. Your email address will not be published. TOAA and TOBA exist in the balance, TOBA destroys so that TOAA can create something anew. TOBA used that opportunity to take over Bruce as his vessel and destroy the whole Multiverse through him. After the Hulk and Joe Fixit arrived at the Below Place, the One Below All tried to assimilate them as well. Survived being punched into orbin by an amped Spider-Man (from the Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 #328). Facts Also like in Exemplars & Eidolons, each PC has a number of Facts (three to be exact). After many years have passed, the possessed Bruce Banner starts to destroy everything in his wake. The Hulk explodes with anger absorbing all of the radiation on Sakaar and the Old Power of the planet, which flowed through Caiera. Luckily for the Multiverse, the future in which TOBA Hulk devours the universe never came to pass so were still quite in the dark on what exactly TOBA can do when it comes to its powers and abilities. It's a compliment not an insult. [16] The Hulk intervened and drained Walter's gamma power to stop him, which inadvertently passed Brian's possession on to him. Forums. Like the name insinuates, The One Below All is the opposite aspect of The One Above All which is a creator of all things in the Marvel Universe and the strongest entity in the Marvel Universe. Hurls about his enemies with a breath (from incredible Hulk Vol 1 #286-290). Hulk's rage reached a critical point, causing him to unleash a gargantuan gamma energy explosion with the power of approximately 3000. Survived an atmospheric re-entry back to Earth. Originally, the Hulk was grey. Resists mustard gas (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #254). New Comics. His ability to travel through time allows him to attack the Flash at almost any point throughout history. Grabbed and slammed Spider-Man into a concrete wall (from Peter Parker: Spider-Man #14). He also shows incredible stamina by fighting with most of the Heroes of the Earth and defeating them inside a week, including Avengers, Fantastic Four, and Sentry who was considered the most powerful of earth's heroes. Int-Hulk withstands more pain than any other mortal can withstand (from Incredible Hulk Annual #12). This is referenced in, The One Below All cannot create or make anything as creation is against its fundamental nature. It has enough knowledge and intelligence to communicate and perceive the universe and beings within it but according to Brian Banner it "doesn't have a true mind. When Brian Banner took possession of Crusher Creel he was able to tear open his upper body. Bruce died, but the Gamma Bomb had created a metaphysical barrier called the Green Door that connected Earth with the Below-Place, the bottom layer of the Multiverse. Then Leader learned the truth from Brian Banner's spirit: Brian could do it because he was possessed by the One Below All, something Leader didn't want. Has ability to mimic his eponymous armor by molding his very bones into exterior armor (from Immortal Hulk #32). Capable of pushing two spheres of matter and antimatter apart and throwing one into the outer space, the inertia force-field being greater than a neutron star (from Marvel Team-Up Annual #2). Resists Comet Man's "pitch thought" (from Comet Man #3). Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Guide Bruce to find Doctor Strange (from Immortal Hulk: The Best Defense #1). After becaming one with Bruce Banner, Hulk very existence got questioned where the narrator and Metatron question if he is The Accuser, Adversary, Khameal, Satan, Geburah or Golachab and which one he wants to be at the end of everything, His full power is estimated to be one of the One Above Alls strongest creatures, Death can't hold back the horror that is the Immortal Hulk. Hurts Hyperion's ears with a single thunderclap that also reverberates for blocks and shatters Dr. Scarlet king vs Toba hulk with powers of (TOAA) #shorts#marvel #scarletking #tobahulk #shorts #viral #fyp #waitforend #trendingshorts #antidicootmusic:discord Adam then clarified that the "One Above All" was a primal creative force that was the highest they can go, but was still only the beginning of what it represented. It was here revealed that the One Above All, also called the "Above-All-Others", exists beyond time and space, and alternates between appearing as female and male. I have made of this a thing of hate. [24], The One-Below-All can spawn entities called Qlippoth, which take on the appearance of people's loved ones and enemies in order to torment them, and can also regurgitate hordes of demonic monsters. So how TOBA became Hulk, and what is TOBA Hulk? Survived 50,000 Volts of Electricity (from The Comet Man #3). People were worried Hulk's infinite power derived from Hell, but it was really TOAA in a way which explains that aspect of his abilities. TOBA Hulk is not actually Hulk, its just The One Below All inhabiting Hulks empty body. Unleashed a thunderclap that dispersed the One Below All (from Immortal Hulk #13). all Hulk has to do is become ten times as mad!! Hulk can withstand anything thrown at him. I, too, am a servant. The Hulk is a walking gamma battery capable of churning out massive amounts of Gamma rays to increase his strength to absolute levels and cause widespread destruction. [23] Determined to bring Bruce Banner back to the earthly plane, Joe Fixit, now the dominant personality of the Hulks, contacted the Fantastic Four to enter the Below Place through the Forever Gate along with Jackie McGee. Copyright 2023 Comic Basics, a property of Incomera d.o.o. The One Above All has stated that its "only weapon is love", which was further stated by the Watcher. That's what my creations do. Tragically, Rebecca was killed by Brian in front of Bruce when she attempted to take young Bruce and leave him. Thats equivalent to 5,488,000 kg of weight squishing you. "Then moving with uncanny speed for one so huge!" Hulk asks why, but the One-Below-All simply asks Hulk the same question, "Why are you as you are?" I am the One Above All. [14], As the supreme being within the Multiverse,[19] the One Above All is omnipotent[16] and presents himself as all-powerful. This transformed him into a living, breathing cosmic bomb capable of completely destroying entire planets from releasing the huge amounts of gamma energyWorld Breaker Hulk. When the Silver Surfer argued that the collected Infinity Gems would make a far more potent force than the Cosmic Containment Units, the Goddess replied, "True, but the Supreme One's servant, the Living Tribunal, has ruled that the Infinity Gems may never again be used in unison." And I will be alone.Breaker-Apart (One Below All), Being a manifestation of the One Above All, the One Below All doesn't possess a mind of its own, only the desire to become the sole remaining presence in the Multiverse. Brian stumbled back and the impact of his head on Rebecca's gravestone killed him. Drawing gamma energy from the below-place (Gamma is both science and magic). After that, the One Below All possessed the Leader, much to his horror.[14]. Origins & Powers Explained, How Fast Can Hulk Run? Of course, Brian Banners story doesnt stop there, and during the research of gamma energy, he gains a vision of The One Below All and learns that the evil entity is looking for him. With Thor's rage he has been seen to shake the ten realms. Overpowering Thor on numerous times, including fracturing his skull Thors skull and. As the bomb detonated Bruce was able to get Rick into the protective coverprovided by a trench, but he wasnt so lucky himself, and even though they were miles away from the epicentre of the blast, because Bruce was caught out in the open, his body was bombarded with what should have been lethal amounts of Gamma radiation, butmiraculously he survived and fell unconscious. Namor admits he avoids to encounter Green Scar. Also, when cosmic e. The Incredible Hulk (1966 animated series), The Incredible Hulk (1982 animated series), The Incredible Hulk (1996 animated series), Avengers: The Art of Marvel's The Avengers, Essential Incredible Hulk, Vol. It only had the Hulk for half of each issue, then featured another superhero. The Hulk can leap to cover great distances. Savage Hulk at his peak has matched Thor. Was hit with a 1-ton wrecking ball to the back of the head, but no damage was visible at all regarding his head (from Marvel Team-Up #18). Make your peace! Hulk senses a radioactive cave and has Banner return to it (from Immortal Hulk #2). Resists Ringmaster's mind control (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #217). After the Surfer then raised the question of possible interference from cosmic entities such as the Tribunal or Eternity against their activities, the Goddess argued, "We serve the Supreme Will. Most likely the greatest AQW Private Server in existence, top MMORPG online game on the galaxy, join today! 's mental attacks. Redirected Gladiator's beams back to his eyes, instantly knocking him out. In this case, TOBA Hulk was defeated by other Hulks when they separated Leader from TOBA, the entity that doesn't have its own mind when it is alone. Her boyfriend, Hotshot, then was forced to tie her to a chair, due to her power growing out of control. Tanks Captain Marvel hitting him with every deadly form of radiant energy. Superhuman Durability: She-Hulk's body is highly resistant to all forms of conventional injury. To do more, it required a host personality. Punched through a time barrier during a battle against Zarrko (from Indestructible Hulk #15). Mindscape - unlike some iterations of the character, World Breaker Hulk is able to traverse the mindscape, i.e., he can maintain conscience within Bruce Banner's mindscape. Unus the Untouchable is virtually invincible within his personal forcefield, Savage Hulk knocks him out with a single blow (from Defenders Vol 1 #15 and Marvel Fanfare #7). Special weapons and tactics squads try firing bazookas at Savage Hulk ". [7] In spite of this purpose, the One Below All still harbors its own goals, comparable to a 'Hulk' itself. Hulk can withstand a Universe-busting attack from Thor. (from Hulk: The Movie Adaptation). [9], Leader managed to enter Banner's mindscape and force Banner and the remains of the Devil Hulk persona into the Below-Place. He also killed Bruces mother, Rebecca, in front of the little boy and later ended up in the mental institution. Susan never wanted to deal with her brother after what he had done to Bruce and Rebecca. "[10] In the aftermath of the events of Infinity Gauntlet, the Living Tribunal easily undid all the destruction an enraged Adam Warlock wreaked in his Trial, claiming that, "I represent forces that dwarf even your might. "Such is the power of the incredible Gamma Rays that created him--the more the Hulk exerts himself, the stronger he becomes!" As World Breaker Hulk, however, this shockwave carries with it radiation. Ability to lift a car or even an island; lifted 150 billion tons of mountain range dropped on top of the heroes and the Hulk is able to hold up the entire mountain by himself until they figure out how to get out in secret war #4-- while calm; once lifted 6 sextillion tons. 2. Knull ruled the darkness and attempted to harness the bearers of the light known as the Celestials. Everything started with Brian Banner, Bruces father and one of the most notorious Marvel characters of all time. "[26], After the collapse of the Multiverse at the hands of the Beyonders, Doctor Strange briefly mentions to Earth's incursion survivors after finding them alive that, "The Earth that wasthe Universe that wasthe Multiverse that wasthese were all formed by some higher order -- some alien, ethereal other thing that perfectly constructed not just the material nature of everything, but the rules that governed it as well. His powers have been stated and shown to increase after absorbing large amounts of radiation up to ground zero nuclear attacks (from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 #105, Incredible Hulk: Future Imperfect #2, Fantastic Four #433, World War Hulk: X-Men #2). Hulk withstood being subjected to a mystical dimension, composed of a type of strange matter, which is infinitely more dense than Earths universe. Gamma rays are so powerful (the highest form of light and 10,000 times more powerful than visible light). Don't worry. Brian never wanted children because of what happened to him and his sisters Susan and Elaine Banner. Can maintain the conscience inside Bruces Mindscape as well. Hit a demon-possessed Quicksilver who could move beyond the speed of light (from Mighty Avengers #23). Through a Green Door, Brian possessed the gamma mutate Jailbait, causing her powers to go out of control. Who Is TOBA Hulk & How Strong Is He? With this mouth I howl. He holds the ability to analyze situations and reach conclusions and solutions successfully using "unreason and magical thinking" . [20] In order to create life anew through the cycle of death and rebirth of the Multiverse, they can manifest as the dark entity, the One Below All, who serves as the counterweight to the expanding life in the Multiverse. Because of his healing factor that regenerates his cells, and the gamma energy he has absorbed that empowers him, the Hulk can live longer then is normal. As it is also the dark alter-ego of the One Above All, it's nature is to be destructive and therefore, it is incapable of creating things only altering them or destroying them. Fin Fang Foom is radiating the mystical power of 17.34 of hercules blows, the radiation is enough to kill the continent, and only Hulk can absorb it (from Incredible Hulks #635). We know that it has the ability to devour whole planets, abstracts such as Eternity, and other living beings.TOBA is primarily fed by negative emotions such as sadness, grief, anxiety, and anger, the more negative emotions TOBA can feed on the more powerful it becomes. Part of his extreme adaptability is that he can survive without food, water, air or sleep after he has adapted to the planets environment. Ability to lift a car or even an island; lifted 150 billion tons of mountain range dropped on top of the heroes and the Hulk is able to hold up the entire mountain by himself until they figure out how to get out in secret war #4-- while calm; once lifted 6 sextillion tons. And that would be all, as you can see TOBA Hulk is technically not a real Hulk in a sense because no trace of Hulk or Bruce Banner were left in the body after TOBA made it its home. *the ensuing battle had destroyed the universe around them (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #126). However, as he becomes enraged, his strength increases considerably, which means he can jump much farther than usual. [3][5][2], Apparently responsible for the existence of all life in the Multiverse and possibly beyond,[19] the One Above All is the master and sole superior of the cosmic overseer and arbitrator known as the Living Tribunal, whose faces, embodying equity, vengeance, and necessity respectively, are in perfect alignment with one another as it passes judgment. The series was only six issues. He sends Blastaar and the armies of the Negative Zone flying (from Sentry Vol 2 #3). For that you have to go way back to Incredible Hulk issue #1. Like her cousin, She-Hulk owes her abilities to her exposure to radiation. I break with many hands. One last thing worth mentioning was that in the first few issues the Hulk was grey skinned and not green skinned and it was mainly due to technical issues with the printing of the comics that they changed his skin colour. As the alter-ego of the One Above All, its power is unrivaled and nigh-limitless, though it is limited by its nature as the embodiment of destruction and unmaking. They arresting Igor for being a spy, and had some doubts about Banners version of events because they were looking for anoversized and powerful intruder on the base and nearly surmised it was Bruce, until Rick was able to deflect the accusations by pointing out the absurdity of Bruce Bannerbeing the Hulk. Realizing that the entity is nothing more then another entity's "Hulk", Joe demanded the One Below All show its true face. Jeff Parker, a long-time writer of the Hulk, has stated Hulk absorbs ambient Gamma energy in the surrounding air for his mass and size. [2], What you see is what I am to you. Hulk decides he will choose his own path and takes everyone and the Leader to escape the Below Place. Can accurately sense temperature and air quality. This means I may earn commissions on products bought via links on this page. Now that weve given you a brief insight into who or what exactly TOBA Hulk is, its time to analyze this in a bit more detail. Can swim at a speed of 80 knots which is over 90 mph (from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #33). Absorbed the energy of a prototype nuclear fusion reactor (from Totally Awesome Hulk #1). Every time the Hulk or Banner is killed, he goes to the Below Place and is capable of returning through the Green Door. Contents 1 Description 2 Types of Powers 3 Powers and Abilities 3.1 Superpower Interaction 3.2 Personal Physical Powers 3.2.1 General 3.2.2 Emission 3.2.3 Adaptation 3.2.4 Enhanced Physical Skills 3.2.5 Supernatural Physical Skills 3.3 Vision Faculty 3.4 Mentality-based Powers 3.4.1 General 3.4.2 ESP 3.4.3 Physical or Mental Domination The Hulk Breaks the Will of an Entire Town (from Avengers Vol 3 #40). Matching the Super-Adaptoid, who had acquired strength and durability of over a hundred heroes like Iron Man and the Vision (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #469). Survived battling with Nightcrawler. His rising anger allows him to literally beat his own power being used on him. Hulk writer Jeff Parker offered his own explanation in a tweet, stating, during transformation he pulls in ambient gamma energy and converts it to mass., Writer Greg Pak described the Worldbreaker Hulk shown during. With his power regained, the Hulk merged back with Bruce and closed the Green Door, sending everybody on the scene back to Earth. Survived an encounter with The One Below All, the ruler and embodiment of the Below-Space, the lowest part of reality below even hell. The Leader proceeded to assimilate Bruce Banner and the Devil Hulk's corpse into himself, enlarging and achieving the One Below All's complete form. Thankfully, Adam Warlock, Kang the Conqueror, Starfox, and Pip the Troll, were able to allow present Thanos to take control of his future's powers and reverted everything back prior to his future's machinations, seemingly restoring Above-All-Others back to normal. Survived Vector's blast, which was repelling all of reality (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #277). Like his healing factor, it is believed that this ability is also fueled by his rage and the madder the Hulk is, the quicker the Hulk's body will adapt. The entity is the source of the mutagenic third form of gamma energy, which means that it can use gamma mutates, like She-Hulk and, in this case, Hulk, to act through them and use them as avatars that he can control. Nearly destroyed the Eastern Seaboard with a footstep and shook all of America with a roar. The Hulk doesn't always need to breathe, doesn't need oxygen to feed his muscles or anything else (from Hulk Vol 3 #1). There was a case during world war hulk when hulk broke Dr. strange's hands while he was in his astral form (from World War Hulk #2). It ultimately fails when Hulk, with the help of Joe Fixit, arrives at Below Place and brings the Fantastic Four and Jackie McGee to assist them. At this point Rick was pleading with the Hulk not to kill Igor and try and calm him down, it must have worked because he only knocked Igor unconscious on the floor. Matching Drax the Destroyer who was in possession of the Power Gem (from. It's when ya come back that ya feel the pain" (from Wolverine Origins Vol 1 #28). Background Powers and Abilities Powers. 6 She-Hulk Possesses Gamma Radiation Manipulation. by . Wolverine explains that Hulk is basically a walking earthquake (from Wolverine: Origins Vol 1 #28). The Big Green Dude The Green Guy The American A Pioneer in Gamma Radiation Wild Card The Big Guy Doc A Mindless Beast Big Man Overpowering a field of energy endowed with sufficient power to alter the orbit of a planet (from Tales to Astonish #89). The Hulk absorbed the radiation from the explosion. Bruce drains Walters gamma power and, without knowing, takes Brians possession as well. Caught a sniper bullet with his teeth (from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #43). With it and the ability to possess and manipulate gamma mutates, the Leader embarked on a plan to fulfill the One Below All's goal to break Bruce Banner. May the One-Above-All forgive you! [5] He is also omnipresent (as all things are mere extensions of himself),[30] and omniscient (as he knows everything),[30] and is above all cosmic powers and abstract entities, even the Living Tribunal. Usually the Hulk possessed little of Banner's memory and intelligence and was easily enraged (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #1). There is only one above the Living Tribunal!" His blood had proved it's life-giving properties either. Eats cosmic radiation to become a Cosmically-powered Hulk, coming back from obliteration to do so very quickly (from Immortal Hulk #45). The Hulk's mass increases in size in order to accommodate the increased strength (from Deadpool Vol 4 #38). Brian Banner was aware that something exists beyond the limits of his comprehension since he had dealt with it.He knew that the strange entity he sighted in the deepest reaches of his mind was something that was made powerful and drawn to gamma radiation. Shatter asteroids twice the size of Earth into pieces with a single punch that he acquired an incredible 2 sextillion of force (from Marvel Comics Presents #52). The Red Door no longer acts as a functional barrier for Hulk's resurrection (from Immortal Hulk #45). The Hulk saw through the One Below All's plan, but when Absorbing Man intercepted him, he drained the Hulk's gamma energy, transferring the possession to himself. On more than one occasion, the Hulk has nearly jumped into orbit. Mutates such as Sasquatch and Jailbait is referenced in, the One Below can..., greatest Browser MMORPG online game on the galaxy, join today issue # 1.! Withstood the weight of a prototype nuclear fusion reactor ( from Indestructible Hulk 13... Vol 4 # 38 ) do is become ten times as mad!. S body is constantly mutating and evolving the longer that he lives simple way to beat the Hulk Banner! Grew up as a functional barrier for Hulk 's resurrection ( from Immortal Hulk # 32 ) a thunderclap dispersed... A highly withdrawn, intellectually gifted youth, in fact, a child.. Origins & powers Explained, How Fast can Hulk Run tear open upper. Barrier during a battle against Zarrko ( from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 25! 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In all the Multiverse explodes with anger absorbing all of the TOAA TOBA... Thinking & quot ; unreason and magical thinking & quot ; notable character. Harnessed against him # 15 ) survived being punched into orbin by an amped Spider-Man ( from Incredible Hulk 1! Gas ( from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 # 370 ) from Sentry Vol 2 # 43.. The increased strength ( from Indestructible Hulk # 32 ) can exert upto of!: Spider-Man # 14 ) Blastaar and the armies of the Universe around them ( from Incredible Hulk Vol #. And Joe Fixit arrived at the Below Place, the One Below all inhabiting Hulks body! Wall ( from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 # 248 ) reach conclusions and solutions successfully using & quot.. With Thor 's rage he has also shown the ability to absorb some surprising energy sources. `` all has! 5,488,000 kg of weight squishing you other side, which is explicitly stated to be exact ) it helped offered. Banner. `` of its other side, which is explicitly stated to exact. 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Grabbed and slammed Spider-Man into a concrete wall ( from Incredible Hulk Vol #... Are? of reality ( from the below-place ( gamma is both science and magic ) about his with! The One-Below-All simply asks Hulk the same question, `` why are you as you are? the power! Why everyone doesnt just do that you have to go way back to Incredible Hulk Vol 1 # 5.! Over Bruce as his vessel and destroy the whole Multiverse through him # 38 ) pitch thought (. Destructive abilities was enough to give Banner 's love interest 6 ) has stated that ``! What I am to you the World-Breaker has phenomenal destructive abilities `` pitch thought '' from. And Jailbait and still is One of the power of the most notorious Marvel of. To literally beat his own path and takes everyone and the Old power of Pandora 's box which is stated. Is both science and magic ) a concrete wall ( from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 # 28 ) the form! ; s body is constantly mutating and evolving the longer that he lives and! Links on this page that TOAA can create something anew than visible light ) and capable. Literally beat his own path and takes everyone and the impact of his head on Rebecca 's gravestone him! Has Banner return to it ( from Mighty Avengers # 23 ) skull Thors skull and proved! Energy sources `` why are you as you are? the little boy and later ended up in the institution... When all seemed lost & amp ; Eidolons, each PC has a number of facts ( three be. And tactics squads try firing bazookas at Savage Hulk `` who was in possession of gamma.... The bearers of the most important parts of the little boy and later ended in... All time: Origins Vol 1 # 25 ) required a host personality Banner starts to destroy in... Tanks Captain Marvel hitting him with every deadly form of radiant energy and attempted to take Bruce. That ya feel the pain '' ( from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 # 205.... There is only One Above the Living Tribunal! his very bones into armor. Her abilities to her power growing out of control and solutions successfully using & quot ; unreason magical!, then was forced to tie her to a chair, due to eyes. This shockwave carries with it radiation the story of TOBA Hulk is not actually Hulk, and what TOBA! Powers Explained, How Fast can Hulk Run links on this page join today tactics squads try firing at... The darkness and toba hulk powers and abilities to harness the bearers of the radiation on Sakaar and the Leader to escape Below... Maintain the conscience inside Bruces Mindscape as well of the Negative Zone flying ( from Comet Man # )..., what you see is what I am to you has ability to analyze situations and conclusions. Below-Place ( gamma is both science and magic ) everyone and the Old power of Pandora 's box is... The Watcher MMORPG online game on the Universe failed to overpower him ( the... Endless miles for a straight twenty-four hours without being tired ( from Peter Parker: Spider-Man # 14.. All possessed the gamma mutate Jailbait, causing him to unleash a gargantuan gamma energy explosion with power... Place, the One Below all possessed the Leader, much to his body itself. Barrier during a battle against Zarrko ( from Immortal Hulk # 13.! Wolverine Origins Vol 1 # 370 ) hope when all seemed lost capable of returning through Green...