rice to the stew and cook. 9. The tragedy lies in the fact Ibn al Hashimi refuses to apply Hadith of the Prophet (s) to assess the conduct of others. Reconciliations of Quranic Verses and Hadith, Response to Sunnah and Hadith Rejectors/Quranists, The reason for killing wazagh lizards and the harm they cause. The Prophet Muhammad was sent as the final messenger to mankind. He also said, "It blew (fire) on Prophet Ibrahim. Mohamad Mostafa NassarTwitter:@NassarMohamadMR Question An incident took place in Saur cave where Prophet and Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (Peace be upon them) were hiding to escape from enemies. please can u tell me in which restaurent can found this dish in riyadh. Then We delivered him, along with Lot, to the land We had showered with blessings for all people Quran (21:68-71) Critical note: No soul burdened with sin will bear the burden of another. Can you find it cooked anywhere outside the middle east? Abdullah b. But, today people also would not let you act on the sunnah. Quran (53:1-3). 3) 'A reptile that drinks milk from the udders of a camel'. For more benefit, please refer to fatwa160217. Verse/hadith that says Allah creates out of nothing. 457, Dalael Annabowwa, vol. I have always wondered about this. If an elder of the community, is advising his people to kill salamanders, just as any other human being may advise people to kill some animals that are considered harmful, dangerous, and dirty, what would a decent community member do? He took a stick and counted its fingers. So lets not say things about dhab. The man that claims himself to be a Prophet?" it might look disgusting but its worth a try. } said: O Mother of the Believers, what do you do with this? She I do not like to taste it, I dont care its halal or not. Permissible or not for what reason do you call it Sunnah? I am so not open-minded when it comes to food..Ill stick with my Biryaani = ), Subhan-Allah, this hadith also shows something about Khalid Bin Waleed (RA), Although he was from Makkah and Quraish, but Allah meant him to be soldier, warrior and general, so he was not picky about food. (In the meantime) the Prophet caught hold of the curtain and lifted it. Comment to Christians: Criticising the above-mentioned hadith about the Salamander would expose your ignorance about what the Bible states, the Bible states that harmful animals need to be killed such as the serpent. Im a picky eater :). On the contrary, the reports about spider cobwebs (as mentioned in some of the Islamic history books) narrate that a spider-made cobweb by Allahs order existed and that the cobweb was one of the main reasons that deterred the Arab Pagan polytheists from entering Saur cave, thinking that no one could be in the cave. I was just wondering has this anything to do with war times??? The Salamander (wazagh) is not to be killed because of the sin of its ancestor; rather it is to be killed because it is harmful. The way that Ive heard some here catch the dhab is they go out into the desert and find the animals hole, they stick a pipe into it and connect the other end to their exhaust pipe and subsequently run their engine until a stunned animal limbers out of a hole nearby. As regards the lizard, some scholars stated that the lizard and gecko are the same animal, and some other scholars said that they are different and that the lizard is a kind of chameleon. Accordingly, this part of the narrated Hadith, can be seen as an illustration of the harmful nature of the animal against a human beings in a bad way. One thing about the Dabb is that it still moves after its dead, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wThkizxJgjU. Abu Dawood (021:3787) narrated by AbdruRehman Ibn Shibl The apostle of Allah (pbuh) forbade to eat the flesh of lizard. In fact if you will lookup Bukhari, Muslim, Imam Maliks Muwatta, you will find numerous ahadith saying, Rasool Allah sallahu alayhi wa aalehi wassalam said [meaning in context], it is not found in my land, thus I do not like eating it but I do not forbade it. It does seem disgusting to many of us but think about how people eat brains, tongues, intestines, feet, eyes, and even the head of lamb or cow! The animal about which there is an Islamic text that states that one gets a reward for killing it is the gecko. There are are a lot of foods referred too in ahadeeth that are not really known to the English worldI can think of one:: /wiki/Colocynth>colocynth which is what the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam compared the hypocrite that doesnt read the Quran too. He said: 'If this reptile testifies to you, I shall believe in you; otherwise I will not.' Abu Umar ibn Abd al-Barr said: The scholars are unanimously agreed that it is permissible to kill mice and rats both outside and within the Haram zone, and to kill scorpions and wazagh. They concluded, Burn him up to avenge your gods if you must act. It is proven in Saheeh Muslim, in a report from Shaddaad ibn Aws (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: Allah, may He be exalted, has decreed ihsaan (proficiency; kindness) in all things, so when you kill, kill well. It is not ihsaan to kill anything for fun or for no purpose. It is also possible that there is something in the nature of salamander that associates it with harmful features such as consuming certain bad things and any waste it produces can be harmful, thus mentioning blowing Air on the fire while Prophet Ibrahim was in it. jazakallahu khair for this post inshaallah i The app contains 41000+ hadith from Most Accepted and Authentic Hadith books. It was even performed to a woman. The issue sometimes with some terms in ahadith and old books is that the names of some animals used at the time are sometimes no more in use in modern Arabic see for example: Does (or literally pig of the sea) in this statement or fatwa really refers to a Capyabra?. If you insist that there is a discrepancy between the multiple hadith that warn us against the Domestic Lizard commonly known by Gecko. Ive had boiled calamari and it tasted weird. This hadith came up when I took the AlMaghrib Code Evolved class in regards to things that the Prophet (saw) may have personally disliked, but they were still permissible. I am a very picky eater, but at the same time, lizard doesnt seem as bad as other things people are known to eat, such as locusts, snails and frogs legs! And if a sin-burdened soul cries for help with its burden, none of it will be carriedeven by a close relative. Quran (35:18) We need to clarify, explain, and emphasis that in no way any of the above-mentioned hadith Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him meant that we need to kill the salamander solely or simply because the Salamander used to blow air to the fire where Prophet Ibrahim was in. See also this Arabic Fatwa in which the animal meant was refered to as: I have not heard him ordering that it should be killed. Then to your Lord is your return Quran (6:164) No soul burdened with sin will bear the burden of another. Click here to support MuslimMatters with a monthly donation of $2 per month. For detailed article It is an important terminology to start with before we get into details and for the purpose of this article, when we use the word Salamander this refers to house lizards and alike such as Geico lizard For the story you mentioned about a lizard breaking the spider cobweb, we were not able to find authentic Islamic sources confirming that a lizard or salamander broke the spider cobweb at the entrance of Saur cave while our beloved Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him and his companion Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq may Allah be pleased with him were in Saur cave. The reason main reason our beloved Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him advised us to kill the salamander is because of their harm, similarly as he advised us to kill other harmful animals such as mice, snakes, and some types of crows, as stated in the above-mentioned video. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Are there any verses in the Quran which refer to the Punishment of the Grave? Sign Up; Arabic ; Farsi ; Urdu Mubah or minor disliked, that is closer to being lawful rather than unlawful). . The rule is simple .. When Mohammad PBUH didnt like anything, and didnt comment about that just leave that thing and dont do it, dont we have brains to see the signs, signals and gestures of Mohammad PBUH? 457, Dalael Annabowwa, vol. As per following Hadith, Muhammad (sa) ordered and performed stoning as punishment for adultery. Al7amdulillah i have tried it twice when residing in saudia arabia. " (Sunan an-Nasa-i), It was narrated from Aishah that the Messenger of Allah () said concerning house lizards: Id love to try it. They said, 'By Allah! Be cool and safe for Abraham! Sign in with Facebook. A Hadith which should have been in the knowledge of numerous authorities, but only one narrator reports it. Regarding the reward for killing this noxious little creature, as stated in the above-mentioned Hadith. The Prophet also advised us too to kill harmful reptiles and animals despite they did not blow any air or done anything before. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. In many cases there is ikhtilaaf between the madhaahib on whether the animal is halal or haram. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. or any good restaraunt in Riyadh which serve..i always wanted to try it ! about the birds, we are only allowed to eat those birds which picks the food floor the ground like chicken, turkey, pigeon etc but not the birds like Hawk, crow or vultures .. Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported Allah's Messenger () as saying: You would tread the same path as was trodden by those before you inch by inch and step by step so much so that if they had entered into the hole of the lizard, you would follow them in this also. Why is the article "the" used in "He invented THE slide rule"? But also order from our Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him, the mercy for mankind, who never uttered a word out of a desire. You can follow his work at ibnabeeomar.com. Even though its halal, it looks disgusting. (Sahih al-Bukhari), 'A'isha reported that Allah's Messenger () said about the gecko as a noxious creature". come on people .. someone was saying he SubhanAllah and Alhamdollaih that I have tried that or i will try that .. ok very cool, so why dont you guys say Alhamdollah and SubhanAllah and start eating snakes, rats, insects and pork ? What is the best way to deprotonate a methyl group. in any case i didnt mean anything in regards to its ruling, jazakallahu khayr for clarifying. Nevertheless, many scholars are in the view that it is acceptable to mention this story of the spider cobwebs but nothing regarding any lizards or two doves or pigeons laid eggs as there is no evidence for lizard breaking the spider cobweb or any doves or pigeons laid any eggs. While the reason for killing the salamander is not the fact that it used to blow air on the fire that Prophet Ibrahim was in the fire, as stated above. 1. }; Mohamad Mostafa NassarTwitter:@NassarMohamadMR, An incident took place in Saur cave where Prophet and Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (Peace be upon them) were hiding to escape from enemies. Interesting post! As for the salamander that blew AIR on fire while Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was in it, we know that salamanders do not generate fire. The Salamander (wazagh) is not to be killed because of the sin of its ancestor; rather it is to be killed because it is harmful. it DOES taste like chicken and yet with the bones like a fish but it IS tasty. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 MuslimMatters: Because Muslims Matter. said: We kill these house lizards with it, for the Prophet of (Sahih Muslim and Sunan abi Dawod), Allah's Messenger () ordered that the salamander should be killed and said, "It (i.e. During his lifetime, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) used to teach his Sunnah by three methods: verbal, written (dictation to scribes), and practical demonstration. (Muslims) from Iraq. the holy prophet didnt eat it which shows that it is better not to eat it but he also allowed others to eat it which shows that you can eat it if you want to. KILL THE SNAKES! So the Messenger of Allah () commanded that they should be killed." . Btw, calamari (fried squid) is another one that I assumed for some odd reason couldnt have been halal But everything from the water is alhamdulilah. This hadith came up when I took the AlMaghrib Code Evolved class in regards to things that the Prophet (saw) may have personally disliked, but they were still permissible. It is an important terminology to start with before we get into details and for the purpose of this article, when we use the word Salamander this refers to house lizards and alike such as Geico lizard. First letter in argument of "\affil" not being output if the first letter is "L". I would try this any time. The Bedouin And The Prophet (S.A.W.) Anti-Islam Claim: -Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him in the above-mentioned- Authentic statement (Hadith) said that Salamander blew fire at Prophet Ibrahim while he was thrown in the fire by idol worshippers. A spider web hid the cave entrance But a lizard made a noise and broke the web, which would have helped enemies to find our Prophet and Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (Peace be upon them). It is the killing of salamanders (and not lizard) that is a matter of debate. I have never eaten it, but I saw my neighbors when I was in Saudi holding it with rope attached to its tail. He has served in varying administrative capacities for multiple national and local Islamic organizations. ( Ryadu as-Saliheen) In a different hadith another killing reason was stated: The Prophet () said, "Cover your utensils and tie your water skins, and close your doors and keep your children close to you at night, as the Jinns spread out at such time and snatch things away. @Ahmed I elaborated my answer with some additions. It is proven in Saheeh al-Bukhaari (3359) from Umm Shareek (may Allah be pleased with her) that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) enjoined killing the wazagh and said: It used to blow on (the fire of) Ibraaheem (peace be upon him).. Many muslims in Sordid Arabia secretly eat non-halaled pork imported 8. Do not confuse between the above-mentioned Salamanders, Geckos, Chameleon, and Mastigure= name in Arabic is Dabb= which Ancient Arabs used to eat which in my personal view akin to people who eat is crocodile. The Muhaddithun have offered various different descriptions of this creature. He said: No. Did Jesus really forgive sins? Mughirah, He was told that the man was in . Pork is more delicious. Nevertheless 'Aishah has been quoted to say that she heard of other sahaba saying the prophet has ordered the killing of geckos or salamnders, but she didn't: The Prophet () called the Salamander, a mischief-doer. The animal about which there is an Islamic text that states that one gets a reward for killing it is the gecko. So, the common theme here is that those animals or reptiles are being killed for being harmful and nothing do with any original sin. Do it like the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam: its not the food of my people :) rev2023.3.1.43266. Well i have also found a hadith in Abu Dawood (021:3787) narrated by AbdruRehman Ibn Shibl The apostle of Allah (pbuh) forbade to eat the flesh of lizard. I roasted one lizard and brought it to the Apostle of Allah (pbuh) and placed it before him. Killing salamanders is prescribed because there is a great deal of evidence to that effect. why dont we eat it then ? -wash it with cold water and remove the black-greenish membrane inside by scrapping it, this is important as it can leave a foul after taste! Views : That was what she ate every wknd. Why does pressing enter increase the file size by 2 bytes in windows. It is therefore not sufficient to be pious without performing deeds which demonstrate one's beliefs. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam never found fault with food. Our companions said: With regard to creatures that are neither harmful nor beneficial such as dung beetles, worms, crabs, small birds, Egyptian vultures, giant girdled lizards, turtles, flies and the like it is makrooh (disliked) to kill them, for the pilgrim in ihraam and others. All are welcome but if is that refers to salamander? Moses followed that stone saying, 'My clothes, O stone! There's also an issue in the translation geckos and lizards are reptiles while salamanders are amphibian some translators also interpreted as Chameleons: The Messenger of Allah () ordered me to kill chameleon. Finds terms that are similar in spelling. But a lizard made a noise and broke the web, which would have helped enemies to find our Prophet and Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (Peace be upon them). *Name has been changed to comply to our Comments Policy*. The 14 books included are: 1) Sahih al Bukhari - Hadith collected by Imam Bukhari (d. 256 A.H., 870 C.E.) However, according to Hanafi Fiqh (as per one scholar) it is Makruh Tanzih (i.e. Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen was asked: The Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) encouraged us to kill the wazagh [a type of lizard] and said that the one who kills it with the first blow will have one hundred hasanaat [rewards for good deeds]. What is the ruling on killing the wazagh and what is the ruling on killing frogs? If a Muslim did not kill a salamander, we pray to Allah he does not get punished, unless if that Muslim decide with the intention to deliberately ignore one of Prophet Muhammed sunnah, which is the case regarding any order in Islam. By the stars when they fade away! Answering Common Questions on Salvation That Christians Pose to Muslims. It is reported that the Prophet once entered a mosque and saw at prayer a venerable old man with a long white beard. Islam Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Muslims, experts in Islam, and those interested in learning more about Islam. The Christian Arrogance and the mirage of an unconditional Salvation Why should Allah blame us and call us foolish and ignorant for accepting Amana(trust) Adam accepted without our Consent as per Quran (33:72)? 4, pp. Surprisingly, it tastes 100% like chicken. Is there any hadith or verse that says to kill a lizard has a reward?? Whats there not to like. One of the benefits that we derive from the hadith you quoted for us is to not complain about food that we do not like. The people stood for the prayer and Abu Bakr went ahead to lead the prayer. Subhanallah. Satan Committed the Original sin by disobeying Almighty Allah, Scientific reserach here from Center for Disease Control and Prevention about Potential diseases transmitted by Geckos. beast on earth that did not try to put it out, apart from the Regarding the command to kill dogs, the As-hab opined that it is permissible to kill a rabid dog; yet, a harmless dog, irrespective of its color, may not be killed. Harmala made this addition that she said: swore~ Allah knows best. Islam, major world religion promulgated by the Prophet Muhammad in Arabia in the 7th century ce. (instead of the Jinns). Allah -Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him in the above-mentioned- Authentic statement (Hadith) said that Salamander blew fire at Prophet Ibrahim while he was thrown in the fire by idol worshippers. If we interpret it as referring to the gecko by mischief doer or vermin: 'Amir b. Sa'd reported on the authority of his father that Allah's Apostle () commanded the killing of geckos, and he called them little noxious creatures . This is cause by the history of lizard that took sides on Namrud Ibn Kan'an and it followed to burnt the Prophet Ibrahim 'alaihi sallam. Lizards are reptiles, while salamanders are amphibians. HADITH Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri (RA), who said that the Prophet said: "They will follow the ways of those who came before them, handspan by handspan, cubit by cubit, until even if they entered a lizard's hole they will follow them." We said: "Oh Allah's Messenger, (do you mean) the Jews and Christians?" . A Hadith in which the narrator quotes an authority he had never met, and no one else confirms his narrative. As for the Salamander, it is a different animal, other than the gecko. This . I find it hard to believe that God will ask us to harm descendants of animals that might have erred in their past. simple and easy rule! The colours depend on where they live. 3 No Prophet amongst the Prophets has been testified (by such a large number of people) as I have been testified. 4. 4, pp. Allaah says that which means: " [You disbelievers are] like those before you; they were stronger than you in power and more abundant in . For instance, eating the snake is prohibited in the hanbali and shafii madhhabs but the maliki madhhab regard it as permissible. she (Aishah) Said: "It is for these geckos, because the Prophet of Allah told us, that there was nothing that did not try to extinguish the fire for Ihram except for this animals, so he told us to kill it. astaghfirrullaheuuu whats tis coz i never ate dhab Above all the tradition shows a great . 3. Also youtube has some videos of how Dabbs are captured do a search of them if youre interested. thats a open hypocrisy and i know what im talking about. Based on my little knowledge, the hadith you mentioned of forbading is only hadith which is found in Sunan Abu Dawood but no where else. What are examples of software that may be seriously affected by a time jump? 2- Animals that are harmful and there is no benefit in them: it is desirable to kill them, like the snakes and the Fawaasiq (vicious and harmful creatures). A proper cook is required in making the meat tasty and juicy. However, 40 Hadiths of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are reported through different sources and under this post, we are presenting you 40 Hadiths that you can learn and implement its understanding in lives. BUT NOT THE "HOUSE SNAKES" --- THEY MAY BE MUSLIM HOUSE SNAKES! I thought it was quite simple, but apparently there are some mentioned in the Sunnah that I am not fully aware of. I ask because I was under the impression we cannot eat carnivores and scavengers, so 5048, Abu Dawood no. 1, pp. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? The dhab looks little scary but I wouldnt mind eating it if I was given the chance to eat it. Arent lizards carnivores? Then to your Lord is your return Quran (6:164), No soul burdened with sin will bear the burden of another. Just a reminder, please refrain from referring to this type of food (or any halal food) as disgusting. Remember that it was this very type of food where the Prophet (saw) just left it and did not make any comments about it, as you reminded us in the hadith. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Ticket smash for [status-review] tag: Part Deux. 1) preparing the dubbs: 126K subscribers in the exmuslim community. Prohibition to kill bees, ants, shrikes, and hoopoes, Religions, Sects and Da'wah (Call to Islam), Jinaayaat (Criminology) and Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Politics and International Affairs, Medical Issues, Media, Culture and Means of Entertainment. ) as disgusting before him Prophet amongst the Prophets has been testified, no soul burdened with sin will the... Without performing deeds which demonstrate one & # x27 ; tis coz i never ate dhab Above the... One gets a reward for killing this noxious little creature, as stated in the above-mentioned Hadith that saying. The company, and no one else confirms His narrative the knowledge numerous... The apostle of Allah ( pbuh ) and placed it before him Islamic.. People also would not let you act on the Sunnah except Allah and that Muhammad is His slave Messenger. One & # x27 ; my clothes, O stone demonstrate one & # x27 ; s beliefs it be... 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