When he helps Roku tame an erupting volcano, he uses a technique to redirect heat, cooling the lava. Yaling | However, Zuko had no such desire. Sozin was born in 82 BG and was crowned Fire Lord in 58 BG, at the age of 24. Cruel, ruthless and power-hungry, Azulon was a firebending prodigy and a cunning strategist who led the Fire Nation to many victories. However, after Sozin took up the throne and Roku became a fully realized Avatar, their friendship became strained, as Sozin desired the Fire Nation to encompass the entire world, a plan to which Roku was strongly opposed. Sozin was close to his family, as he was genuinely worried about his father's well-being when the Fire Sages came to announce Roku to be the Avatar, and for at least the first few decades of his life, he treasured his friendship with Roku. I wasted the remainder of my life searching in vain. If you want to say goodness is hereditary you could say that Iroh and Ozais mother Ilah could have been a good and charitable person and many of his good qualities could come from his mother, Well our world has men having children that late in life. Pirates | Roku spared his life because of their past friendship but warned him never to move forward with his plans again, or it would result in his "permanent end.". Sozin betrayed his old friend to his death and began waging war. background: none !important; Ghazan | Earth Queen Hou-Ting | . Four Shadows Guan, Spirits 82 BG This led to the near-extinction of the dragons. Yellow Necks | Literature. The two engaged in a short battle, with Roku defeating Sozin and then leveling the palace's throne room in the Avatar State. War Minster Qin | Overview In The Last Airbender, a fictional universe composed of four sovereign nations, some people are "benders" and can control air, fire, earth or water. Roku spared his life because of their past friendship, but warned him never to move forward with his plans again, or it would result in his "permanent end". Discount Clearance Toys, He eventually died at age of 102. Anything less [would make him] a traitor." In other words, Sozin was old enough to have been Azulon's great-grandfather let alone his father! Zhao | And, when comparing Fire Lords Sozin, Azulon and Ozai, Azulon is certainly the best of the three, preferring his more humble son Iroh over the greedy Ozai, who took after Sozin personality-wise. Using the fire-enhancing power of a comet, Sozin eradicated the Air Nomads to try to eliminate the next Avatar, but failed. It's important to note that the creators of The Last Airbender once stated Azulon was 95-years-old when he died and was born at the same time the Fire Nation attacked the Air Nomads. Saowan Clan | Sozin was ruthless, merciless and inconsiderate as Fire Lord, as demonstrated by his ordering the genocide of the Air Nomads simply to locate and destroy a single obstacle to his power, and his decision to start the tradition of hunting dragons, despite having one as a companion. Zhen, Equalists Lo and Li | [18] Sozin favored his son over another family member, thereby contributing to a trend of antagonism and rivalry that would plague the royal family for generations. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. #controllers a:hover, #controllers a.active { background-color: #5812ff; color: #5812ff; } After all, Zukos response to potentially forging a friendship with Aang was to scream and attack him with firebending. 82 years old Sozin was born in 82 BG and was crowned Fire Lord in 58 BG, at the age of 24. Bujing | By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It is also possible that Sozin's father was mentioned once in ". . [1] Domestically, Sozin preferred to silence, but not to completely destroy, opposition to his policies. ended in Sozin's defeat, neither spoke to the other until they were seventy years old. Sozin is the earliest Fire Lord developed in the series. Sozin is the longest-reigning known Fire Lord, as well as the longest-lived. Lieutenant | Especially since we have seen how Azulon looked at 95. Its been stated that Kyoshi wasnt the only person who lived that long. However, Azulon was shown to deeply respect Iroh, and did not seem to blame him for abandoning the seige of Ba Sing Se. Ming-Hua | The only known firebender able to fill and was crowned Fire Lord lava Around this time, or will be born. When he helped Roku tame an erupting volcano, he used a technique to redirect heat, cooling the lava. Sozin was ruthless, merciless, and inconsiderate as Fire Lord, as demonstrated by his ordering the genocide of the Air Nomads simply to locate and destroy a single obstacle to his power, and his decision to start the tradition of hunting dragons, despite having one as a companion. Azulon, simply known as Fire Lord Azulon, is a posthumous antagonist in Avatar franchise. By creating a series of switchbacks in the narrow pathway, which forces any approaching party to travel in single column, and heavily fortifying it with watchtowers and battlements every hundred yards, he created one of the most secure roads in the world. Azulon wasn't born ruthless, but was raised that way and the Avatar's disappearance from his life sealed his destiny. Fire Lord Azulon ruled for most of the Hundred Year War, and he was Zuko and Azula's paternal grandfather. Azulon was the ruler of the Fire Nation for the majority of the Hundred Year War, reigning as Fire Lord from 20 AG until his assassination in 95 AG. Cruel, ruthless and power-hungry, Azulon was a firebending prodigy and a cunning strategist who led the Fire Nation to many victories. But for Chaeryu and Sozins grandfather to be the same person, that would mean that Zoryu would have had to had Sozin when he was over 200 years old (since Kyoshis death, AKA the birth date of Roku and Sozin, occurred when Kyoshi was over 200 years old, and Zoryu appears to be in his early 20s in TSoK, so hes slightly older than Kyoshi). Azulon would even continue this trend, having Iroh in his early 40s and dying in his mid 90s. .widget_testimonial .testimonial-post { border-color: #5812ff #EAEAEA #EAEAEA #EAEAEA; } Thought I'd post this here because there's 463k people who might have the right answers hehe ;P. Anyways need help with a fanfiction that takes place shortly after the genocide of the Airbenders that focuses on a female Airbender. Melissa And Doug Wholesale, [10] When the Water Tribes noticed the spiritual disturbances and sent envoys to investigate the death sites, Sozin spun a propaganda campaign blaming the Water Tribe for any strange phenomena around these sites discovered by the public. Vachir | Jianzhu | After the comet passed, he had a son, Prince Azulon. He was voiced by Ron Perlman, who also played Clayface in the DC Animated Universe, Mr. Ozai was born to Fire Lord Azulon, as the younger brother to Fire Prince Iroh, who was favored by their father and who would inherit the throne. A month later the 20 year old Princess and 28 year old Crown Prince were married. Sozin was also the Fire Lord responsible for manipulating firebending's roots, changing it to match his militaristic and conquering goals, as well as criminalizing same-sex relationships according to. But that hasn't always stopped the creators from rewriting canon if they ever change their minds about the story.. Another wrinkle in the theory comes from the 2009 Avatar . Aging in the show isn't really analogous to our reality, so don't count on anything/anyone that says a 10-20 year age difference because it cannot be true. a#back-top:before { background-color: #5812ff; } Old Iron | P'Li | I looked up how old Sozin was when Roku died and then which year Azulon was born. He was the son of Fire Lord Sozin and the Fire Lord before Ozai. Lirin | Fighting style Seventeen years later, however, Roku discovered the colonies and came to rebuke him. Powers / Skills Sozin suddenly realized, however, that Roku's death would allow him to fulfill his plans, and left his old friend to die along with his dragon, Fang. Zuko was not happy about the idea of being friends with Aang. Despite having died years before, his actions caused almost all of the events of the series and many of its sequel The Legend of Korra. Anonymous. Even so, Ozai actually had the shortest Fire Lord rule ever. There were also reports of members of the Guiding Wind committing acts of violence throughout the Fire Nation, which violated their ethics and principles; Khandro began to suspect involvement of the Fire Lord or his supporters in these events. Born Characters from left to right: Back row: The first character is Fire Lord Sozin. Azulon assumed the title of Fire Lord at age twenty, following the death of his father, and continued to lead his country in the war. The two used their bending to try to contain the lava flow, but were hindered by poisonous gases, which eventually overwhelmed Roku, leaving him lying on the ground and begging for his old friend's help. Bujing | Do mark that the makers of The Last Airbender once proclaimed Azulon was 95-years-old when he died and was born at the same time the Fire Nation attacked the Air Nomads. Sozin was responsible for manipulating firebending's roots, changing it to match his militaristic and conquering goals. Liling | He spent the last years of his life hunting the new Avatar in vain. As Sozin's heir, Azulon was already a ruthless Firebender and a General of the Fire Nation, aiding him . [15] Most importantly, he organized a massive, genocidal assault on the Air Nomads in an attempt to kill the new Avatar and break the Avatar Cycle. The two used their bending to try to contain the lava flow but were hindered by poisonous gases, which eventually overwhelmed Roku, leaving him lying on the ground and begging for his old friend's help. Sozin's intelligence made him a capable military leader. When he was young, he sparred with Avatar Roku and defeated him on more than one occasion. He had honor and dignity and drive. I mean yeah it's the Avatar world where Kyoshi lived up to 230yo and there's Guru Pathik, but ya know, most characters in ATLA were born to younger parents. Seventeen years later, however, Roku was traveling in the Earth Kingdom on Fang, discovered the colonies and came to the Fire Nation Capital to rebuke him. More by GPMAsss2 Watch GPMAsss2 Watch Roku, however, replied that the Fire Lord should not challenge him, as it would "only end badly", leading Sozin to wrathfully attack him when his back was turned. How old is King Bumi in Avatar? Sozin died in 20 AG, eventually word reached the Spirit World of his passing and after some time, Ta Min and Rina returned to the Physical World (sometime between 47-52 AG). For a firebender to be able to kill a dragon, the original firebenders, he would be showered with glory and praise, and earn the honorary title "Dragon". This . .post .entry-meta .read-more-link { background-color: #5812ff; } Two-Toed Ping | At Roku's wedding, Sozin took the position of his best man. Following his demise, Sozin was glorified in the Fire Nation, and his actions were justified through the spread of propaganda. Xu Ping An | When he was young, he sparred with Avatar Roku and defeated him on more than one occasion. `` [ their ] loyalty is to [ their ] loyalty is to [ their ] Nation first Sozin the! After the comet, he lived 20 more years and had a son, Prince Azulon. Therefore, Rina gave birth to Ursa (born 62 AG) at the age of 35-40 (she was 99 chronologically) and was 55-60 when Azulon and Ozai came asking for Ursa to be Ozai's wife. Began a War that would last one Hundred years least one occasion position of his son, Sozin! Warden | Roku, Air Nomads, Earth Kingdom, Water Tribe Sozin is possibly based off of real life dictators that escaped justice for their actions. I wasted the remainder of my life searching in vain. Long Feng | People always hate on Book 1 Zuko, and trust me I disagree with a lot if his choices, but he was not on all around bad guy. Varrick | However this is ironic as Sozin's policies as Fire Lord were actually regressive. a { color: #5812ff; } Vachir | Using the fire-enhancing power of a comet, Sozin eradicated the Air Nomads in an attempt to preemptively eliminate the next Avatar. 12 years after Roku had died, Sozin used the power of a comet to enhance the power of his firebender army and launched a genocidal attack on the Air Nomads in an attempt to kill Aang, the new Avatar, and halt the Avatar cycle. At some point during his reign, probably after Roku's death, Sozin started the tradition of hunting dragons for glory. The age differences between Azulon and his sons are smaller than the one between him and Sozin, but still pretty big. Is.is this possible? .post .entry-meta a:hover, .type-page .entry-meta a:hover { color: #5812ff; } His grandson, Iroh, attributed this quest for power to jealousy of the Avatar's immense strength, a feeling that only grew as Sozin immersed himself in the role of Fire Lord and put ever more importance in power and influence.[13]. I knew the next Avatar would be born an Air Nomad, so I wiped out the air temples. Some have supposed this is what made him such a powerful Firebender, and what allowed him to eventually live for so long. Sozin's knowledge made him a capable military leader. Koh | Following a hostile confrontation over this which ended in Sozin's defeat, neither spoke to the other until they were both very old. Sozin was the former best friend of Roku . Conquer the world just like his father, Sozin (failed). As a young prince, Sozin was best friends with Avatar Roku. Amon | Following a hostile confrontation over this which ended in Sozin's defeat, neither spoke to the other until they were both very old. And much to his disappointment, his firstborn was not about Sozins imperialistic ambitions. That friendship is made more viable when its revealed that Roku (Aangs Avatar predecessor) was best friends with Fire Lord Sozin, Zukos great-grandfather. Zuko learns a secret about his great-grandfather's past. And technically, its not impossible that Zoryu lived over 200 years (albeit still extremely unlikely and, personally, something I doubt). Origin Sozin One of Azulon's son, Ozai, married Ursa. Saowan Clan | He was so cruel that for his son Ozai trying to usurp succession from Iroh, Azulon ordered him to murder Zuko to teach him some manners. 25 years later, Roku's home island was consumed in a volcanic eruption so massive that Sozin could see and feel it from 100 miles away. 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