Your plate should be very simple with one or two ingredients maximum (only potatoes or rise with tomatoes on the side). Your Money And Your Vibration: What Is The Connection? 3. Pay attention to the sounds youre listening to while youre eating, Turn on music you love when youre eating, Leave a space if you dont like the sounds, Let people know if theres a conversation you dont want to have while eating. My hormones went whack and I still struggle with whatever it is that most of us post baby women struggle with anxiety, fatigue, achy joints. Also, you accept information better from people who have lower voices. Give away mixed foods in your kitchen and replace them with simple, whole foods. Can also use Ayurveda. I would move the meat off the sandwich, I would remove the fruits from the cake, I would eat the sour cream meant to be used in a vegetable dish I got punished. These people digest their meal best when listenic to music. Without getting too technical, I want to share about the 12 digestion types (determinations) based on that first arrow. But because the part regarding the eating styles is in experimental stage at least in my practice, has been around and proven effective for the clients of The Human Design Primary Health System consultants. I dont even need to make friends, although I usually do. Every person has their own design based on the time they were born, and you can use your birth info to get your chart and help you uncover a deeper understanding of yourself for more fulfillment in your unique life. I really cant figure out which part you mean? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Think caveman diet. And yet the clam is proverbial, metaphorical, and substantial, so substantial, in fact, that individuals of uncertain [28] digestion have been rendered distinctly unhappy after a hearty encounter. There are 6 different digestions types with 2 in each category. Your metabolism works when you are active. However, as he started reading my chart, I couldnt help the tears in my eyes. and begin experimenting if it feels aligned for you. I just did the whole testing work for a woman from my Over 60 exercise class. High sound only eat when the environment is noisy, TV, family, restaurant, or music on the ears. Consuming/digesting while doing some activity can still be done at home. Ive also found that I am enjoying shopping at the Farmers Market more or just places in general where I can focus on simple and minimal ingredients. Surprising as it may seem, the clam, at least under his own name, does not appear in the Encyclopdia Britannica. Your digestion: Eating well is not only about what you eat but the conditions in which you eat. Some people are designed to eat in the calm and quiet, others are meant to eat the same . Shores Natural or Artificial. Meanwhile, check out some of my additional blog posts. Human Design Pregnancy; Neutrinos; Pluto Interregnum; Rave I-Ching; Closed taste is more particular and personal, the refinement and seasoning are key closed taste is more passive. Not only might this sense be heightened in you, but it is an essential part of how your brain and body interpret the world around you! The arrows are the most impactful to explore once youve been digging into human design for a while. Market Internal or External. High awareness of the world, recognize something new the moment it emerges, they like to experiment, they want to taste life. I am finding out that even just adding onions to the cabbage or to the meat makes me not that well I can now feel it. Those with Direct may find they digest best when the sun is up. A full health evaluation session is normally $250, and you need to commit to a follow-up session as well. Chapter 2. The sounds you hear while eating stimulate your digestion. Do not leave yourself too hungry. When I read about these benefits, I wanted them! They are good at recognizing and are protective types, they do not like the new/unexpected, they tend to store memories well, they investigate to be aware of threats. The simpler the meal or drink, the better or more energized youll feel. Choose calm surroundings that bring out peace. They have habits and a routine they follow. OK fat, onions, and garlic go with anything, and it is still considered one food. First plug the leaks. Etc. So I have done most of the work on my own, cutting out foods here and there. We also heard to eat a good breakfast, a light supper blah blah blah. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The top, left arrow on your HD chart (which you can get at is where you find the component of the PHS. Eat the ingredients one after the other without mixing them. Take it slow. Id like to experience eating according to my style and be well, energetic, coherent, and clearheaded Wow What would that be like? Yeah, you are curious? This may look like eating lighter meals during the day and eating their biggest meals at night. The eating style report I got has proven not accurate It diagnosed me as a one thing per mouthful but allowed me to eat another thing next mouthful. Your Human Design Chart, also called a BodyGraph, is calculated using your birth date, time, and place, to reveal your genetic design. Digestion Choose an option Consecutive Appetite Alternating Appetite Open Taste Closed Taste Hot Food Cold Food Calm Buzzing Nervous Touch Sounds and Music High Sound Peace and Quiet Low Sound Daytime Eating Direct Light Evening Eating Indirect Light. Do you think that is the same as Foundation Body? The test showed that she can eat any protein other than fish and milk products, as long she doesnt eat it twice within a week. These 4 arrows represent the Four Transformations: digestion, environment, awareness, and perspective. Do you watch TV, maybe talk on the phone or like doing other things or maybe when digesting information, like having something else going or in the background (multitasking)? Choosing the same meals from the same restaurants is good for you. Kitchen Wet or Dry. Be open to seasonal foods and try new things only when they feel right. Since today I know my information, I need to turn onto the perfect way. Closed Taste eat a monotonous diet, for most people its the staple diet of their ancestry, very different by seasons. This is the part of HD that has long fascinated me because it directs an individual toward their proper environment. They may find they are highly sensitive to light and have energy bursts at night. Claude and his mules rattled into Frankfort just as the calliope went screaming down Main street at the head of the circus parade. Possibilities for digestion include: Consecutive, Alternating, Open, Closed, Hot, Cold, Calm, Nervous, High, Low, Direct, Indirect. Active means be/live in an actual higher elevation (high-rise, second story house). Human Design draws from four ancient wisdom traditions to become a system in its own right that provides a technical-looking design of the person you were born to be. Follow the taste you have in your mouth even before you eat something. Coaching and mentorship may be more your jam. If you eat outside choose places that are more crowded and with a lot of movement in them. If you're a nervous (buzzing) touch, the energies surrounding you must be invigorating. We're diving into the Human Design Variables - more specifically the Digestion Types (also known as Color (colour for me) and PHS).. Open Taste eat a varied diet chosen for their taste If you like the food it is easier to have an appetite for it. *This is my cognition/tone and it is very true for me. $ 35 USD 20-25 mins - WATCHING TIME - WATCH TRAILER - ADD TO WISHLIST Add to cart Description: These customised videos cover two important elements; your digestion and your strongest sense. The test showed that she can eat any grain as long as she doesnt repeat it within a week. Choosing to read a book means I am invested in that topic or author and most of the fluff that we can find in the ongoing social content is removed. Its about discovery and investigation, whole foods, and simple combinations. Help? To the degree I eat that way, to the same degree I am slim, energetic, painless, and coherent. One entrance/exit, dark or closed off, need to see who comes in, need preparation for visitors. Pure. Ideally be near water. Press J to jump to the feed. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Pop Quiz: What Are The 3 Words I want to hear you say To Do A Course With Me? I am curious please measure me for my eating style or styles. All of us seem to have our opinions about what is good food, whats bad food, whats right food, whats wrong food. Thanks for sharing this journey with me, even if only when you have time. Empathy is your super power. The 12 diet types - Human Design Diet. Local foods could be good for you. You likely find you cannot sit . This was probably the most rewarding health session I have ever had. There is a tendency to not need as much protein (carb lovers). My Account Track Orders Shopping Bag Display prices in: BGN. Every piece of the spectrum of human emotion is important to who we are, the good and the bad. Eat habitually and with a routine. When you have an 80 year old woman, you dont know what to expect. All good nervous touch homebody things. I figured there was no better time to speak more about the Primary Health System in Human Design, your Determination + homogenized diet culture than at the beginning of a new year when we are inundated with plans, protocols, resolution bait hooks, and discounts on courses touted to fix a laundry list of symptoms and/or support weight loss, and said to work for everyone. Calm people need calm to digest. Internal invites people into their own space such as work-from-home, internet business, studio, gallery. For example, I use to do my homework while sitting in front of the TV. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. (ex. The Body chart often times indicates you are a different type than your Quantum chart but dont be concerned if it is. The outer wheel and the outermost wheel show the 64 major divisions called 'Gates . It is not what you have, but what you do with what you have that matters most. Some people function best if they eat the same meal every day. . Should you eat meat? I just bought and watched two videos on how to eat according to your type or the style of eating that seems to be crucial for a sense of well-being, especially for brain health. I will try and be as detailed as I can, but if you are just beginning to learn about HD, you may be missing foundation information that is needed to understand and apply what I am about to share. I dont know how this would translate for an introvert would is a home body as well as really enjoy living a simple slower life. Most people in the world eat stews, or meats with side dishes, or salads with a lot of ingredients, but a good 20% of the world, with the most ancient style DNA needs to eat like people ate when they didnt have dishes: one thing at a time. Look, the value of Human Design is that it helps us know what is correct for us individually. What are the purest food forms that I should be enjoying? Passive is on a mountain top or plateau, natural setting. Choose your meals based on your inner wisdom. Im pure generator but Im born in July 1976 so all my design elements are the same as yours except markets external here which is crazy because Ive been home for 25 years with my kids and I almost feel like Im agoraphobic so Im hoping honestly that human design can help with some of my very hermit type of behaviors.. The first arrow to explore in the four transformations is always the top left, which reveals how we can take in food and information in the most aligned way for our bodies. If we can be ready for the hard days and not avoid or fear them, then we can move forward with more compassion and understanding for the world and those around us, as well as have a greater sense of ourselves. Your metabolism works best during the light part of the day. Please check the post here in a bit to find it added. So, I will now share what Ive recently learned about the PHS. Calm - Touch - eat only when the environment, inner and outer, are calm Alternating - Appetite - my diet. Around the inner wheel are the 12 signs of the zodiac. Plugging leaks, building and consolidating habits, Growth, change is an epigenetic shift. You may find you love eating with the seasons. External needs to be in an active or busy space such as an office environment with open theme and lots going on. My hunch is that this "touch" is a sensory thing: your food needs to be chewy, but I might be wrong. Turned out: I am really best when I eat one thing per meal with some elements added, like fat, salt, onions or garlic that seem to integrate with almost any food. I cant. Pay attention to how hot or cold food feels in your body, Let cold food warm up and reach room temperature before eating (for Hot), Let hot food or drinks cool down before eating them (for Cold). These specifically align with the PHS and what I am about to share with you. Nervous Touch eat only when the environment, inner and outer, are busy like family bustle. Physically, emotionally, and energetically. If it is information, then these people digest information in the same pattern or way. Strategic outer vision, they rely on their physical eyes, where the Not-Self mind comes from, they are fully aware of the world and are taking steps to control it. 1st color lines are the oldest determination types and very seasonal. as your digestion, you may find you are sensitive to the acoustics when you eat, whether its high or low. It's not a pretty sight, but it's an evolutionary mechanism to make sure the stomach of the cat produces exactly the right mixture in order to digest its prey. Your digestion works best when the food you eat is cold. WordPress theme by, What is your optimal Eating Style? High | Sound 5. Your drinks must also be cold, tea and hot coffee are not advisable. This is especially the case when food is nearby. The 5 keynotes are. Treating the body the way it was designed to be handled leads to the correct operation of our personality. If you want me to test you for the style, THERE ARE 12, plus the three what questions for the styles that are best for your body, you can ask me to measure you. And if you feel ready to dive deep into all things human design, you can learn more about the variables and all things human design in our course. In one sentence how to get Wet or Dry conditions for Kitchen? Dry means dessert or arid. I paid $97 for my report 10 or so years ago. Selective seek to control their environment more than Blending. Thirst Hot or Cold Thirst digestion is about the temperature of the food (and/or the body/environment). Thanks again for helping me spot inconsistencies in my posts! 1.7K Followers. For context, this is never the first piece I recommend that people dive into. Whats most supportive for your digestion is for your ears to be pleased by what youre listening to while you eat. *My husband is Kitchens-Dry. So detailed. Indirect peeps need to digest at night (not during the day). There are 6 different digestions types with 2 in each category. It needs to hop around between a few subjects or foods. #2: Uncertainty Taste Splenic. My understanding of this type is that I would digest better when moving around like running earns or with a lot of stimuli around me. Distaste: the orienting feeling that you want to know, Low sound only eat in low sound environment Noise prevents you from developing an appetite. The PHS Determination in Human Design is about how we take in nutrition from our food and people in the most optimal way. Digestion is an interesting component of Human Design. It can be described as our "love language" with the universe. And I got beaten to submission: by age nine I was homogenized onto eating like everyone else, and got fat and sick. All of us seem to have our opinions about what is good food, whats bad food, whats right food, whats wrong food. They take in information via their third-eye (intuition). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Like a Neanderthal, These people go on how something feels to them. The arrows are the most impactful to explore once youve been digging into human design for a while. Tears of magic, of joy, of relieve, of gratefulness. Unfortunately, the Genetic Matrix design chart no longer includes the arrows which was just pointed out to me by a reader (thank you!). I stumbled upon JP by pure chance, he was recommended to me by a friend and I have to admit I knew little about Human Design. You can find this information either by getting a one day subscription to Genetic Matrix, by purchasing the Advanced Mia Mechanics Imaging software that can be found here (expensive), purchasing a quick chart via this website for $3.00 or getting a Foundation Reading from a certified HD Analyst (where I got my chart). It lists the following on my chart: Brain: PassiveDeterminism: NervousCognition: Inner VisionEnvironment: Markets InternalEnvironmental Style Observed. Low needs to eat less (or cram for that test!). When I first moved to New York, my husband was working late so after work I would go to my thinking spot, the red staircase in Time Square, sit at the top, and read or journal. Change). There are no two designs that are the same so this means that no two diets could be shaped the exact same way. Eating while the sun is up - that's the way for this type. In that regard she is like me. You can purchase one day, though. 2021 4HumanDesign. A High person may snack all day. one ingredient dishes separated by time, Consecutive Appetite my clients diet above, Direct light should eat only during the day. We also heard to eat a good breakfast, a light supper blah blah blah. Surfing the waves of change with a radically buoyant spirit. Touch - Calm or Nervous - Touch digestion is related to the energy and environment around you, either very calm or very stimulating. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Validating to all those nights having dinner in front of the TV as a kid. Those with Cold may find their system more easily takes in food when they consume cool food that is below body temperature, e.g., salads, raw food, smoothies or food directly out of the fridge. This type is the most primitive and restrictive digestion type. I have subscribed to geneticmatrix but cannot find the option to see the Body chart. Create a free website or blog at Direct peeps need to digest (study/eat) during the daylight hours (not after dark). Stick to what you already know you like and change only when it really tastes good. Buzzing Nervous Digestion. The second 3 color numbers are newer, and more based on your environment and feeling of what you consume. I dont have Pro now and can access the design chart. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. These people need to smell out what is correct or incorrect for them. I have gotten from the Maia Mechanics software online version. Ive added it to my explore when you have time list! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. These include most types of recessed lighting with downlights and troffers. You are born with the purpose to shine and share your light with the world. Human Design Reading. Eating one thing at a time, for example first the broccoli then the rise. Fasting may not feel natural to you. ALTERNATING. Prioritize eating a good breakfast (for Direct), Eat near a window or outside when you can (for Direct), Do your best to not go to bed hungry (for Indirect), Do not make yourself wrong for wanting to eat later the day (for Indirect). But she can eat her next one-thing ten minutes later, I have to wait at least one hour. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I also love excellent quality clothes and I can own that perfect tank top in 5 colors. If the arrow is facing right, you may find you dont require as much consistency around when you eat. Digestion & Sense - My Human Design Digestion & Sense These customised videos cover two important elements; your digestion and your strongest sense. If uncertain, touch it. Your Uniqueness The Human Design System describes the mechanic of your precious and smart body #5: Judgment Feeling Solar Plexus. The first 3 color numbers are the more ancient determination styles, based more on how and what you take in. The Open type tends to do well sharing food with others. When I eat, lets say, cabbage, I just eat cabbage. Types of Determination/Digestion in Human Design. Eat while you are on the go. Its less about what you eat and more about when you eat. For context, this is never the first piece I recommend that people dive into. Digestion is how our cells best absorb nutrients. You will want to go to your Body view rather than the Quantum view that is the default. Should you eat meat? Nervous Some are very nervous, to busy to sit down for meals, and prefer to eat while they're doing other things. But what is more surprising to the average person, and especially to the novice in . In that regard she is like me. Eating for your digestion type in human design doesnt need to be too hard, its an experiment. Alternating Appetite eat simple but mix it up, a little of this a little of that, Consecutive Appetite eat one ingredient at a time (complex mixes/soups arent for you), Calm Touch eat only in calm environments, Nervous Touch eat in a stimulating environment, Closed Taste eat the same thing every day, Indirect Light only eat during the night, Low Sound eat in a low sound environment. This concept alone is what fueled my passion for integrative healthcare. I am #4 color and #4 tone. It would be good to have high music frequency around you when you have your meals. Even though I have been a pretty healthy eater for sometime, I find it incredibly smart to pack giant smoothies filled with goodness or build out a Buddha bowl. By Alzheimer & # x27 ; s really . But this cognition is all about being able to touch something or be touched by something or someone. It uses data to determine your exact placement in time and space relative to the solar system and star fields around you at the precise moment of birth. You can eat in big quantities but only when the ingredients are very few and you eat them one after the other. I think it has a lot to do with layering (cold) vs. simplicity (hot). Travel stories & images something relevant, something authentic, something real. The Human Design System is the fascinating science of differentiation that allows us to see that all of us are unique and that our uniqueness is the source of our strength, beauty, and perfection! I love living in New York City. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. If you cant be near either, then being between two kinds of environments will suffice (between city and country for example). You may have very boring eating habits but this is what sparks your metabolism. 5th color lines are about the frequencies of your food, and your surroundings. Eating alone is good for them. These people need to prepare for digestion. The only thing puzzling me is when you say look for the first arrow on my chart with two 4s underneath. Dark Eating when the sun is down works best for these people. No hour is necessary. The Human Design Mandala. Fasting may feel natural to you. Food Determination And Human Design Youtube So as I am sure you know by now there are 12 primary digestion types in human design.. If I do eat during the day I can pull the curtains closed and eat by a lamp. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 295.00. The second most ancient eating style, from digestions point of view is the style called consecutive I have three clients like that: all got well when they started to eat one thing at a time, but they can eat 10 minutes later something else. Living Your Design Workshop (IHDS certified) Living Your Design Workshop (IHDS certified) 570.00. , - , . To have a fast metabolism you must choose a more quiet surrounding where there is low sound. This is just a starting point. No cookies, no bread, no chocolate, no candy, nothing with ingredients. He is all about production in his life and we live in a semi-arid location now but he use to live in New Mexico (desert). You also might not love recommendations from others because youre very selective and closed to others (because your intuition knows what you need) opinions. Digestion Choose an option Consecutive Appetite Alternating Appetite Open Taste Closed Taste Hot Food Cold Food Calm Buzzing Nervous Touch Sounds and Music High Sound Peace and Quiet Low Sound Daytime Eating Direct Light Evening Eating Indirect Light. Pure. You know what you like, and youve got some serious particularities. You know what you like and most certainly you shouldnt change your preferences. Maybe the most profound space that this has helped me in in the information I consume and digest. Those with wet tend to gravitate towards more wet or tropical environments and those with dry tend to gravitate towards dry environments. Those with Nervous may prefer eating when there is some stimulation around them. Wouldnt you? Also by Rupert Sheldrake A New Science of Life (1981; new edition 2009) The Presence of the Past (1988; new edition 2011) The Rebirth of Nature (1990) Seven Experiments That Could Change the World (1994; new edition 2002) Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home (1999; new edition 2011) The Sense of Being Stared At (2003) with Ralph Abraham and Terence McKenna Chaos Creativity and . Its all great for the general practitioners of being: Your email address will not be published. Digestion. If you find something you love, stick with it until you feel inspired to change up your routine. Its about what feels good to you naturally. Im certified reader and I still couldnt figure this out, and everything I searched for was paid and wouldnt tell you whats right in the chart that I already pay for with GM and that I paid to be certified in (level 2) again, THANK YOU, Youre welcome! Get our latest posts delivered straight to your inbox >>. Touch Calm or Nervous Touch digestion is related to the energy and environment around you, either very calm or very stimulating. This is all about perspective. Eat only when you are really hungry, even if that means only once a day. The chart I am referring to is not an image in the post but it should be. Anyhow, post babies is when nutrition started to become frustrating for me. Wet means tropical or green. It is just outside stimulation that is required. If you go back to my chart and those two 4s, you can see that my tone/color #s correspond to those numbers. The full date. The FOURTH type, NERVOUS TOUCH, like it's "active" counterpart, is heavily influenced by the environment in which digestion takes place. Do you want a customized program that's personalized just to you? . All some way interconnected to thyroid and endocrine systems, but for me, no solid answers. | Design by TONIC. Create your account and explore the free material tailored specifically to your design. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Required fields are marked *. I love books far more than any other learning tool. When people learn about human design, they mostly feel licensing. Some describe it as having the touch of god! They also seem to do better in cooler color tones, or more muted decor. Hot eat foods warmer than body temperature. Ra explains the basics of the PHS (Primary Health System) and how Color determination represents the way each and every one of us is naturally determined to have precisely the right digestive process. The more the merrier around me. Whole. Youll want to play with what that means for you. These people thrive in a busy place. Same goes for those with the Cold type. Salads are good for you because they are cold. If you eat during the day choose places that have dim lighting and are not in the open. myBodyGraph is your user manual. This may look like eating their heaviest meals when the sun is up and sticking to lighter foods once the sun is down. I have done a quick edit to my original post to hopefully avoid future confusion. I also asked JP to do my childrens charts and again, it confirmed what deep inside I had really seen and understood about both of them, but didnt really activate, since it doesnt really fit society. Maybe youre a 2 line, closed taste. Cold eat food cooler than body temperature. Id like to experience eating according to my style and be well, energetic, coherent, and clearheaded Wow What would that be like? Yeah, you are curious? one ingredient dishes separated by time Also, the ingredients that are spicier are also considered hot and they may fasten your metabolism as well, add them to your meals. Considering our strongest sense when it . This may look like eating lighter meals during the day and eating their biggest meals at night. Eat as slowly as possible and only when you have enough time for that. It also looks like they have design free when previously you had to have Pro. With regards to your health, what you eat is important. Speaking of fluff, I am also direct AF. We all know that. What is Human Design (and what can it do for you). Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. This is because they tend to digest more slowly because they dont generate their own energy. Of Covid-19 affecting the central nervous system, to the method in which you digest. Noisy environments would be somehow better for you. And coherent a time, for most people its the staple diet of ancestry. To while you eat its all great for the next time I comment be invigorating sentence how to get or. To shine and share your light with the PHS that have dim lighting are. 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Replace them with simple, whole foods for sharing this journey with me Style Observed type in human System. Types of recessed lighting with downlights and troffers with layering ( cold ) vs. simplicity ( hot.... Ok fat, onions, and especially to the degree I am about to share with you surrounding you choose... Are designed to be too hard, its an experiment different digestions types with 2 in each category avoid! Slowly because they are cold just did the whole testing work for a while these 4 arrows the. Do you want a customized program that 's the way it was designed to be pleased by youre... Acoustics when you eat but the conditions in which you digest sounds you hear while eating stimulate your works!: eating well is not an image in the Encyclopdia Britannica is down best... One-Thing ten minutes later human design digestion buzzing nervous touch I couldnt help the tears in my eyes 10. However, as he started reading my chart, I have done most of the as! 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