287, 1001, 1031 and 31 U.S.C. (2) for other NSF awards when more than $25,000 has been budgeted in the proposal for repair, alteration, or improvement (construction) of a building or facility. (See Chapter II.E.4, Chapter II.E.5, and Chapter XI.B). A. Conformance with Instructions for Proposal Preparation, 1. The box for "Proprietary or Privileged Information" must be checked on the Cover Sheet when the proposal contains confidential budgetary information.[15]. Indicate virtual if the project is not based in a physical location. These project ideas typically will be high-risk/high-impact, as they represent new and unproven ideas, approaches and/or technologies. Working with the PI or Key Personnel to complete their Biosketch and Current and Pending Support. Any other direct costs not specified in Lines G.1. "Control" in this context means exercising the power to make policy decisions. During completion of the proposal setup wizard in Research.gov, the PI will be prompted to select the applicable response that describes the nature and type of proposal being developed: The requested proposal information noted above will be used to determine the applicable proposal preparation requirements that must be followed. Beginning Investigators (applies to proposals submitted to the Biological Sciences Directorate only), 4. The intention to request use of these NSF-supported national resources should be described in the Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources section of the proposal. The information contained in this Guide will assist the organization in preparing documents which NSF requires to conduct administrative and financial reviews of the organization. This includes, but is not limited to, information related to domestic and foreign appointments and positions. Unless stipulated in a specific program solicitation, however, such proposals will be subject to the 15-page Project Description limitation established in Section (ii) above. Broader impacts may be accomplished through the research itself, through the activities that are directly related to specific research projects, or through activities that are supported by, but are complementary to the project. A justification based on the established computer service rates at the proposing organization must be included. (iv) Certification Regarding Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (RECR): Note: The requirement specified in Section 7009 of the America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science (COMPETES) Act (42 USC 1862o1), as amended, to have a plan to provide appropriate training and oversight in the responsible and ethical conduct of research to faculty and other senior personnel who will be supported by NSF to conduct research will go into effect for new proposals submitted or due on or after July 31, 2023. Although these resources are not considered voluntary committed cost sharing as defined in 2 CFR 200.1, the Foundation does expect that the resources identified in the Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources section will be provided, or made available, should the proposal be funded. *Statement of Potential Overlap: Provide a description of the potential overlap with any current or pending in-kind contribution and this proposal in terms of scope, budget, or person . The number of participants to be supported must be entered in the parentheses on the proposal budget. For proposals that contain a subaward(s), each subaward must include a separate budget justification of no more than five pages. Except for the purpose of obtaining goods and services for the proposer's own use which creates a procurement relationship with a contractor, no portion of the proposed activity may be subawarded or transferred to another organization without prior written NSF authorization. 6605. Requests may be for up to $200K (including indirect costs) and up to one year in duration. [49] For purposes of this requirement, "other forms of harassment" is defined as "Non-gender or non-sex-based harassment of individuals protected under federal civil rights laws, as set forth in organizational policies or codes of conduct, statutes, regulations, or executive orders.". Supplies are defined as all tangible personal property other than those described in paragraph (d)(iii) above. The award size, however, will be consistent with the scope of the proposed planning activities and of a size comparable to planning grants in similar areas. No maximum funding amount has been established for such requests. See PAPPG Chapter IV.D.2.b. The email(s) confirming approval to submit a RAISE proposal must be uploaded by the prospective PIs in the Program Officer Concurrence Email section of Research.gov. ORCID ID[34] (Optional): Enter the ORCID ID of the senior person. NIH. For additional information, see Chapters I.D.3., IX.B., and XII.C. Taxon-specific guidelines may be used as supplemental references. The prospective PIs will receive emails from the cognizant NSF program officers that specifies whether a full proposal may be submitted. This may include: Harvard systems may contain information pertaining to potential sources of in-kind and other resources. The awardee organization name, address, NSF organization code, UEI, and Employer Identification Number/Taxpayer Identification Number are derived from the profile information provided by the organization or pulled by NSF from the SAM database and are not entered when preparing the Cover Sheet. This section of the proposal is used to assess the adequacy of the resources available to perform the effort proposed to satisfy both the Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts review criteria. In this section, disclose ALL[35] in-kind contributions related to current and pending support. Each train introduces unsteadiness that . No more than six lines of text within a vertical space of one inch. The school district must have an accounting mechanism in place (i.e., sub-account code) to differentiate between regular salary and stipend payments. )), the National Historic Preservation Act (54 USC 306108 [previously codified at 16 USC 470, et seq. The eight categories of research that qualify for exemption from coverage by the regulations are defined in the Common Rule for Protection of Human Subjects. Such proposals would be designated as an Ideas Lab renewal.. A small business must be organized for profit, independently owned, and operated (not a subsidiary of, or controlled by, another firm), have no more than 500 employees, and not be dominant in its field. Within seven to fourteen calendar days following the Ideas Lab, the NSF Program Officers will determine which project ideas are meritorious and should be invited as full proposals. Invited full proposals (which are prepared in accordance with standard research proposal formatting guidelines) must be submitted within two months of receiving NSF notification after the Ideas Lab. Career-Life Balance supplemental funding to existing awards may be requested as described below: Research award recipients may request supplemental funding: To support additional personnel (e.g., a technician or research assistant) to sustain research when the PI, co-PI, or other member of the senior personnel is on family leave for either primary dependent care responsibilities or other direct family considerations; and. The Project Description also must contain, as a separate section within the narrative, a section labeled Broader Impacts. for additional information on the content requirements. See Chapter II.D.2.f(vi)(e) for further instructions on proposals that contain subawards. (iii)Collaborators and Other Affiliations (see also PAPPG Chapter II.D.1 for additional information on submission of single copy documents, (i) Postdoctoral Mentoring Plan (if applicable). [35] See the table entitled, NSPM-33 Implementation Guidance Pre- and Post-award Disclosures Relating to the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support for instructions on in-kind support for use on the project being proposed. A proposal that includes reference citation(s) that do not specify a URL is not considered to be in violation of NSF proposal preparation guidelines and the proposal will still be reviewed. Persons traveling under NSF awards must travel by U.S.-Flag Air carriers, if available. See Chapter V for further information. [34] See https://orcid.org for information on obtaining an ORCID ID. If the proposers usual accounting practices provide that its contributions to employee benefits (leave, employee insurance, social security, retirement, other payroll-related taxes, etc.) Reviewers will evaluate the information during the merit review process and the cognizant NSF Program Officer will review it for programmatic and technical sufficiency. Consistent with 2 CFR 200.332, NSF recipients must use the domestic subrecipients applicable U.S. (i) Prior to making a funding recommendation, the cognizant NSF program officer will request that an updated version of Current and Pending (Other) Support be submitted via Research.gov. The most general set of large computational and data resources funded by NSF are accessible through the eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) project. If the support is in a foreign countrys currency, convert to U.S. dollars at time of submission. The substance of the relationship is more important that the form of the agreement. NSF is dedicated to fostering and maintaining a diverse and inclusive digital environment that eliminates barriers and ensures our programs, systems, and services are accessible to everyone as required by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, as amended in 2017. for any proposals currently under consideration from whatever source irrespective of whether such support is provided through the proposing organization or is provided directly to the individual. More detailed information about the content is available in the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) Chapter II.C.2.f (NSF website). For Concept Outlines that must be submitted via ProSPCT, users must have a valid Login.gov account to access the tool. One individual must be designated as PI. Indirect costs should be calculated on incentive payments in accordance with the organizations approved U.S. Additional information on NSF auto-compliance checks is available on the NSF website. placement of the individual or research organization in SAM or the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS) to alert other agencies. [9] Proposal Not Accepted is defined as Research.gov will not permit submission of the proposal by the AOR. Renewed funding of an Ideas Lab award may be requested only through submission of a full proposal that will be subject to external merit review. Conformance to the 15-page limit will be strictly enforced and may not be exceeded unless a deviation has been specifically authorized. The email confirming approval to submit a EAGER proposal must be uploaded by the prospective PI in the Program Officer Concurrence Email section of Research.gov. In Kind Contributions * Required fields. Examples include: The total amount of direct costs requested in the budget, to include Lines A through G, must be entered on Line H. Except where specifically identified in an NSF program solicitation, the applicable U.S. NSF requires disclosure of all resources made available to a researcher in support of and/or related to any of their research efforts, regardless of whether they have monetary value and regardless of whether they are based at Harvard. Prospective discoveries reside at the interfaces of disciplinary boundaries that may not be recognized through traditional review or co-review. The . [32] In accordance with the NSPM-33 Implementation Guidance, a "Foreign government-sponsored talent recruitment program" is defined as an effort organized, managed, or funded by a foreign government, or a foreign government instrumentality or entity, to recruit science and technology professionals or students (regardless of citizenship or national origin, or whether having a full-time or part-time position). [8] This government-wide certification is not included in SAM and must be submitted as part of an NSF proposal. The proposal budget may request funds for the costs of documenting, preparing, publishing or otherwise making available to others the findings and products of the work to be conducted under the award. Proposals for new centers with potential overlap of an existing center must provide evidence (usually a . A co-PI on a new proposal should designate the PI as the substitute negotiator. Requests may be for up to $1,000,000 (including indirect costs) and up to five years in duration. No proposer-supplied information may appear in the margins. (f) Do not submit any personal information in the Current and Pending (Other) support. This information should be submitted as a single copy document and uploaded in the Additional Single Copy Documents category. PIs should consult their organizations SPO for unusual situations (e.g., a long lead time for procurement) that create problems regarding the proposed start date. In the absence of an acceptable, written recipient organizational policy regarding meal costs, 2 CFR 200.475(d) will apply. The NIH Grants Policy Statement, 2.5.1 . GOALI proposals must follow the deadlines applicable to an existing funding opportunity as well as the following GOALI-specific requirements: For GOALI collaborative proposals, the proposal must be submitted by a single organization with any collaborators listed as subawards. As an integral part of its responsibility for strengthening the science and engineering capacity of the country, NSF provides support for the design, construction, operation, and upgrade of research infrastructure. A valid Data Management Plan may include only the statement that no detailed plan is needed, as long as the statement is accompanied by a clear justification. Note this proposal preparation instruction deviates from the standard proposal preparation instructions contained in this Guide; RAPID proposals must otherwise be compliant with the proposal preparation requirements specified in Part I of the PAPPG. [42] Guidelines to the use of Wild Birds in Research; Guidelines of the American Society of Mammologists for the Use of Wild Mammals in Research; Guidelines for the Use of Fishes in Research; and Guidelines for the Use of Live Amphibians and Reptiles in Field and Laboratory Research. Such documentation may be required in final reports and is subject to audit. International Conferences. If this method is used, the statement must be submitted as a single-copy document in the Proposal Preparation Module in Research.gov. For Concept Outlines that must be submitted via ProSPCT, users must have a valid Login.gov account to access the tool. See proposal with fieldwork in Chapter V.A of the Antarctic Research solicitation. Senior personnel who wish to include publications in the products section of the Biographical Sketch that include multiple authors may, at their discretion, choose to list one or more of the authors and then "et al" in lieu of including the complete listing of authors' names. (iii) Certification Regarding Flood Hazard Insurance[8]: Two sections of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (42 USC 4012a and 4106) bar Federal agencies from giving financial assistance for acquisition or construction purposes in any area identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as having special flood hazards unless the: (1) community in which that area is located participates in the national flood insurance program; and. 3729-3733 and 3802. Admin Login. Speakers and trainers are not considered participants and should not be included in this section of the budget. While training plans are not required to be included in proposals submitted to NSF, institutions are advised that they are subject to review upon request. *Overall Objectives: Provide a brief statement of the overall objectives of the proposal/award. List names as last name, first name, middle initial, for whom a personal, family, or business relationship would otherwise preclude their service as a reviewer. See also Chapter II.D.2.f(xiii)(a) and 2 CFR 200.438. A summary of each of these categories follows: Instructions for obtaining authorization to deviate from NSF proposal preparation instructions are provided in Chapter II.A. GOALI is not a separate program; GOALI proposals must be submitted to an active NSF funding opportunity and must be submitted in accordance with the deadlines specified therein. EAGER proposals are not eligible for reconsideration, if declined. Renewed funding of an EAGER award may be requested only through submission of a Traditional or Accomplishment-Based Renewal proposal that will be subject to full external merit review. Where applicable, the box for Historic Places must be checked on the Cover Sheet. PIs are expected to integrate their research objectives with educational and industrial needs. The description should be narrative in nature and must not include any quantifiable financial information. When anticipated, travel and its relation to the proposed activities must be specified, itemized, and justified by destination and cost. For proposers who qualify under this latter exception, the box for "Beginning Investigator" must be checked on the Cover Sheet. Grant Managers will assist PIs and Key Personnel in organizing, formatting, and completing their submission. a description of comparable equipment already at the proposing organization(s), if applicable, and an explanation of why it cannot be used. Requests for funds for special equipment or assistance to facilitate the participation of individuals with disabilities should be included in the proposed budget for the project and documented in the budget justification. How do I save Person Months, NSF Overall Objectives, NSF Statement of Potential Overlap, and NIH Major Goals? Allowable items ordinarily will be limited to research equipment and apparatus not already available for the conduct of the work. See 2 CFR 200.475 for additional information on travel costs. If any of the following items on the Cover Sheet are applicable to the proposal being submitted, the relevant box(es) must be checked. The recommendations of the Ideas Lab panel are advisory to NSF. brief statement of the overall objectives of the project/proposal being proposed or in-kind contribution must be provided; summary of the potential overlap . *Name: Enter the name of the primary organization of the senior person. When completing the template, do not change the column sizes or the font type. Conditions (i) (ii) and (iv) above are particularly relevant for consideration at the budget preparation stage. (vi) Certification Regarding Dual Use Research of Concern: The AOR is required to complete a certification that the organization will be or is in compliance with all aspects of the United States Government Policy for Institutional Oversight of Life Sciences Dual Use Research of Concern. *Project/Proposal Start Date: Indicate the start date (MM/YYYY) of the project/activity as proposed/approved. (See Exhibit II-3 for the definitions of Senior Personnel.) This includes in-kind resources directly provided to the individual (e.g., office/laboratory space, equipment, supplies or employees or students funded by outside sources). A final column identifies activities that are not required to be reported. Travel, meal, and hotel expenses of recipient employees who are not on travel status are unallowable. For each proposal that proposes to conduct research off-campus or off site, the AOR must complete a certification that the organization has a plan in placefor this proposal regarding safe and inclusive working environments. Any additional categories of participant support costs other than those described in 2 CFR 200.1 (such as incentives, gifts, souvenirs, t-shirts, and memorabilia), must be justified in the budget justification, and such costs will be closely scrutinized by NSF. (See Chapter II.D.2i(ii)). (iii) All components of the collaborative proposal must meet any established deadline date, and failure to do so may result in the entire collaborative proposal being returned without review. Only internal merit review is required for RAISE proposals. If a decision is made to fund the proposal, the cognizant NSF Program Officer will notify the NSF Animal Welfare Officer to initiate negotiation of a PHS-approved Animal Welfare Assurance with OLAW. These suggestions are optional. Include all postdoctoral and fellowship training, as applicable, listing each separately. No letter of support or collaboration is required. In doing so, they draw upon, and contribute to, the development of the Nation's full intellectual talent. Exhibit II-1: Proposal Preparation Checklist, Exhibit II-2:Potentially Disqualifying Conflicts of Interest, Exhibit II-3: Definitions of Categories of Personnel. Submitting finalized Biosketch and Current and Pending Support to NSF. Note, however, that if awarded, a single award would be made to the submitting organization, with any collaborators listed as subawards. Research Advanced by Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (RAISE), 5. Proposals for mid-scale and major facilities also should consult NSFs Research Infrastructure Guide as well as the relevant solicitation for additional budgetary preparation guidelines. NSF supports conferences in special areas of science and engineering that bring experts together to discuss recent research or education findings or to expose other researchers or students to new research and education techniques. Other fonts not specified above, such as Cambria Math, may be used for mathematical formulas, equations, or when inserting Greek letters or special characters. *Statement of Potential Overlap : CPS- 16 of 27. Meals that are an integral and necessary part of a conference (e.g., working meals where business is transacted). Mentoring activities provided to postdoctoral researchers supported on the project will be evaluated under the Broader Impacts review criterion. Conformance will be strictly enforced unless a written deviation authorization is received in advance of proposal submission from the cognizant NSF Assistant Director/Office Head or designee. Current and Pending (Other) Support includes allresources made available to a researcher in support of and/or related toallof their research endeavors, regardless of whether or not they have monetary value and regardless of whether they are based at Harvard. 206 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<47D6F02EB3AA6A448CF374C72CA5ABFD><3692A1E9B65448419617A6DDF4F4EA90>]/Index[188 27]/Info 187 0 R/Length 93/Prev 168653/Root 189 0 R/Size 215/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Proposers are advised not to exceed the mandatory cost sharing level or amount specified in the solicitation.[25]. NSF also supports development of a strong STEM workforce by investing in building the knowledge that informs improvements in STEM teaching and learning. NSF funds are not permitted to be used to support the industrial research partner except as noted below for small businesses. In the meantime, for NSF proposals due on or after . Organizations without a current negotiated indirect cost rate agreement and that wish to request indirect cost rate recovery above 10% should prepare an indirect cost proposal based on expenditures for its most recently ended fiscal year. The information on senior personnel salaries will be used as the basis for determining the salary amounts shown in the budget. Whereas the prior C&P asked for Project Title, Project Dates, Source of Support, Amount of Funding, and Person-months dedicated, the new C&P requires a statement of the overall objectives of the project being proposed and a statement of potential overlap with any active or pending proposal or in-kind contribution. NSF, however, encourages the community to use SciENcv prior to the October 2023 implementation. If known at the time of proposal submission, the intent to enter into such arrangements must be disclosed in the proposal. (i) At least one industrial co-PI must be listed on the Cover Sheet at the time of submission. This section applies to all research, for which NSF award funds may be used, that potentially falls within the scope of the U.S. Government Policy for Institutional Oversight of Life Sciences Dual Use Research of Concern as published in September, 2014, and/or would fall under the Department of Health and Human Services Framework for Guiding Decisions about Proposed Research Involving Enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogens, as published in January 2017, hereafter referred to as the "Policy". The decision regarding whether to use these suggestions, however, remains with the Program Officer. No funds may be requested for meals or coffee breaks for intramural meetings of an organization or any of its components, including, but not limited to, laboratories, departments, and centers. This budget category refers to direct costs for items such as stipends or subsistence allowances, travel allowances, and registration fees paid to or on behalf of participants or trainees (but not employees) in connection with NSF-sponsored conferences or training projects. If external review is to be obtained, then the PI will be informed in the interest of maintaining the transparency of the review and recommendation process. These requirements apply to all uploaded sections of a proposal, including supplementary documentation. hb```f`` @1V v6C[j33}5VnrkK-q NSbqILL2iLL6|sa9Wmz &720L` g$ The statement on broader impacts should describe the potential of the proposed activity to benefit society and contribute to the achievement of specific, desired societal outcomes. See also Chapter V.B of the Antarctic Research solicitation. Please use the links listed below for more information on each submitting offices deadline policies: Informational Training Module (Harvard HTP course), SciENcv tutorials (Harvard HTP course bundle), OSP: Preparing a Proposal (Harvard Website), HMS ORA: Proposal Development (Harvard Website), HSPH SPA: NSF Submissions (Harvard Website). Supplemental funding requests to add GOALI elements to a currently funded NSF research project should be submitted by using the "Supplemental Funding Request" function in Research.gov. NSF will not forward the detailed information to reviewers and will hold it privileged to the extent permitted by law. Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources: If there will be support from other sources for the conference, such information should be included in the Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources section of the proposal. . "Ideas Lab" is a type of proposal to support the development and implementation of creative and innovative project ideas that have the potential to transform research paradigms and/or solve intractable problems. Therefore, inclusion of a website address is optional. Submissions of proposals and progress reports are due to your Schools submitting office according to their deadline policy for review and authorization. Support means salary support, as well as any other funding awarded by NSF, including research, Graduate Research Fellowship, Major Research Instrumentation, conference, equipment, travel, and center awards, etc. The solicitation will specify the content and submission instructions for such applications. While letters of collaboration are permitted, unless required by a specific program solicitation, letters of support should not be submitted as they are not a standard component of an NSF proposal. Travel, meal, and hotel expenses of recipient employees who are not on travel status are unallowable. Industrial scientists and engineers to bring industry's perspective and integrative skills to academe. This does not include institutional resources, such as core facilities or shared equipment, that are made broadly available. This may include: *Note: Other Support is sometimes referred to as Current and Pending Support or Current and Pending (Other) Support. (Chapter II.D.2.h(i) should be consulted to prepare this portion of the proposal; also see Chapter II.D.2.h(i)(c). for additional information on Single Copy Documents. All collaborative proposals must clearly describe the roles to be played by the other organizations, specify the managerial arrangements, and explain the advantages of the multi-organizational effort within the Project Description. These same general principles apply to other types of non-academic organizations. 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