She has a successful careera perfect familya husband she loves and loves her backa lovely daughter. Hed had that horrible headache most of the day yesterday, and after leaving the Hogwarts Express at Kings Cross, hed kept to himself as much as he could on the ride back to Number Four. Ron did the same. The Dark Lord has claimed Potter for his own! Harry soon pushed himself back to his knees and started to position his dick at Julies pussy, but she stopped her actions on Petunia just long enough to ask him to use his tongue for a bit. Hermione shot him a look but no one else looked his way. He barely stumbled. I dont own the island of Madagascar. It had been three years since the War, and somehow, someway, they had rebuilt. Shed exchanged her nice dress for a basic sun dress, and Harry was really starting to get horny when he noticed the lack of panty lines and a couple of pokies.. He's a lot nicer this year," Ginny said. For maybe the last minute-and-a-half her nephews cock had been slowly shrinking inside her, but that course had just reversed itself, and she could feel it growing and lengthening again. His fingers caressed her scalp as he wrapped them around the back of her head. Maybe that would please him. He finishes the mission, and is sent to Arisia, where Mentor knows something is wrong. Is it theoretically possible that a person might have some kind of brain damage, chemical imbalance, or horrible childhood that might cause them to not be able to resist raping people? I wonder who this hottie will be? Harry thought, reaching for the paper. Im getting used to it, Harry. The edge of violence that Vernon almost took out on her, before he transferred it to Harry. You OK, Tonks? Harry asked, concern in his voice. He still couldnt join his classmates for perhaps another twenty minutes, and in truth he hadnt had the privacy for a good jerk-off since before the end of the Tournament. Usually so bright and intelligent, her mental processes were in meltdown. He enjoyed her gentle moans with his each and every thrust. We may have lived through each others lives, but were still going to have a lot to discuss, she said. I couldnt help myself, but that doesnt change any. She saw the abuse at the hands of his relatives, the horrid living conditions, and the malnutrition. var sc_invisible=0; I want you I want you to come over and rape me again!, He tried to argue with her, but she was adamant. Though this time was gentle, loving, and everything she ever could have wished for, she eventually was crying out for him to fill her, to stretch her, to give it to her harder. You gave me a choice., Harry sobbed violently. That day shed also started crushing on him, just a tiny bit. She had stamina in plenty, and a lot more experience than the other two put together. BY next year, shell take over teaching history, and only teach divination to a few students actually gifted in the subject. Petunia had begun coughing madly, as Harry helped her to her feet, and gently started to thump her on the back. Ron was sure Harry was joking about the snoring (he wasnt), but he laughed it off with no bad feelings, and slipped into his own room. As the heavy metal stand crashed to the ground with a tremendous clatter, a wizarding painting started caterwauling loudly. Bastard! he muttered, under his breath. #saddraco. Thank you, Julie, but Vernon and Dudley are already being dealt with. He kissed her gently. Itll be the last time I need to deal with you. His wand was also at the ready. Weve been together for a long timelearning that theres always been this lie in our relationship hurt, (Y/N)., You drew in a shaky breath, the guilt returning full force. We dont know exactly what curse, though I have been trying to do some research. Harry takes over Lan after an AU battle shortly before Moiraine asks him to be her warder. He had his own areas that he shined in. Ron is poisoned on his seventeenth birthday, and is left in a comatose state. You dont have much to compare him to, Petunia. He didnt dare say anything to her, but he kept sneaking glances at her, enjoying the view of her slim body. I did, he agreed, eagerly. Well find a way to get through things, even if something unexpected happens. She led him upstairs. Well, Harry admitted, Im getting desperate to make love to you.. She couldnt help but moan as his touch ramped her desire ever higher. He did a little cleaning around the house, and also cleaned out Hedwigs cage, just to pass the time, while waiting for his phone call, and the chance to play. Were you ever going to tell me? he asked, the pain in his voice making you feel worse than you thought possible. The familial magic will upgrade him after that. What? Draco looked ready to come to your defense, disbelieving, but Pansy continued. I havent seen you for hours. Read The trio visit the manor from the story {Draco x fem!reader} by Creepy_Xnime (Arimoshikuta) with 15,099 reads. Voldemort had free reign, and all of the women Harry loved at some point in the Death Eater take-over were raped before usually being killed. When Ron Weasley realized he was reborn to the world with his memories mostly intact, he felt it was a second chance to do better. Stretching her mouth, jaw, and throat with her abilities, she took his entire cock at once. No Mary Sues, no Character Bashing. Phallacio Engorgio! His mental image of the blond was now frantic, her fingers pistoning in and out of her dripping lips, showing far more energy than the actual picture ever had. Think of it along the lines of a Trek Holodeck.) The first term at Hogwarts was not planned out in great detail, but some of the items of note will be seeking help from Pomfrey, giving her a fair amount of warning, and Harry beating all defenses put into place and claiming her. Ill admit, it was not how I would have chosen my first time to be. Tonks snorted. Petunias stamina was not all that great, either, and after about ten minutes and two orgasms, she rolled off of him, breathing as heavily as he had been a few minutes before. The entire time hed been asleep, hed been dreaming, and all his dreams were of an incredibly erotic nature. I never even thought of it. But Fawkes, Im evil! Thankfully Tonks had already laid some of the groundwork. Newly launched back into the real world after a ten-day holistic retreat, Harry drops back into Ron and Draco's life with a task: find out if the Chudley Cannons' winning streak has anything illegal behind it. Tonks reached out her hand and grabbed her wand from the table Julie had left it on, and with a quick flick, their discarded clothes followed them up the stairs. Harry started to finally untangle Tonks from the invisibility cloak, and she didnt say a word when her robes quickly followed. He collapsed on her, then rolled off to the side, well-spent and breathing heavily. Mad Bee: But even in such a situation, in that case they need to be locked away where they cant hurt others. It is balance. But be back for dinner.. The attractive auror cast two quick spells at Harry, and he was wrapped in ropes and seemed to be struggling against some kind of magical force that almost seemed wrapped around him. The reason Draco hates Harry so much is more complicated than it seems. He received a strong kick to the knee for his troubles. He wasnt pleased, but I managed to really get him thinking. Of their own accord, his hands reached out, and started to slide through her blond hair. Harry headed for his own room, though he had no intention of staying in it. Ron Weasley dies. He also saw the grim aftermath of a world that felt magical healing was the be-all and end-all of dealing with a problem. . Finally, as Tonks seventh orgasm hit, and Harrys willie was forced out of her yet again, his own orgasm hit Harry. She would grind herself against him, and She was so very close to reaching her orgasm when she heard her mother calling from downstairs. Draco blushed then scowled. As she pressed against him, Harry noticed again, as he had daily since the Yule Ball, just how much Hermione had grown and changed over the past four years. Harry? She was desperate for more of him, and started bouncing on him at an incredible rate. He collapsed across her back, and gently kissed the taut, ivory skin. He felt a burst of, well, perhaps it was accidental magic, or perhaps it was just a violent form of wandless magic. He stood there, barely breathing, for about three minutes before she arched her back and cried out softly. He stared down at her, watching himself slide in and out of her pussy, right under that thick thatch of hair. Narcissa loves Harry, has learned a lot, and is forced to think. For the ending feast they go all out for their final prank with heavy lust potions, and the year largely ends with a whole school (except for Draco and Snape) orgy. She saw the five-year-old who suffered innumerable burns as he was forced to cook bacon and sausages while standing on a chair in the kitchen. Hermione, we have company! She nodded, lust flooding through her again, as Harry rolled to the edge of the bed and stretched his legs down to the floor. "Hey Malfoy" Draco looked up and scowled. He continued thrusting his way through two more of Lydias orgasms. The urge is kind ofstartling. The bo the man was pure sex when he used that voice. This time the bucking was much stronger, and she grabbed his head with both hands to hold him in place. She saw what a phoenix was, and what it could and could not heal. Harry is not allowed to do magic out of school, to help keep his world hidden from our world. Of course you had wanted to tell him; the guilt was something that ate at you daily, and you always knew that it had been wrong to lie to him. Harry grunted loudly, and Hermione felt his seed squirting within her, before all was wiped out by a bright flash of light, and her over-taxed mind was dealt another blow as she found herself experiencing the life of one Harry Potter, best friend, boy savior, and cosmic chew toy. All the Harry Potter characters contained belong to J.K Rolling. Me encanta el fanfic Drarry que estoy leyendo porque, por una vez, Ron no es un hijo de puta y, a la vez, tiene un papel significativo que no es el de cabrearse porque a Harry le gusta Draco. He might be new to all this, but he was catching on very quickly! Thank you for visiting and being a part of the RFN. Only he's allowed to annoy his best friend, lovingly.). Are you always so eager?, For the last four days, its been nearly constant, he told her. Hed certainly looked at his friend differently since that night. Harry takes over the body, heals it, reads the mind, and kills the Joker. And I guess Harry is going to have to work on that stamina issue. Paradise Island will still manage to do him in, though. She then lay down on her bed and began a long combination of thinking and weeping. Body fails, body redeems. Tonks maintained the proper spells which could, when used regularly, prevent worries of unplanned pregnancies, and Lydia was on the pill. Things are going really well for eleven-year old Ron except for the part where he has to get through school without anyone finding out his family's secret while simultaneously keeping his new brother alive. He wandered the neighborhood, and sat in the park for a while, but he had the strangest feeling he was being watched. As they looked to see who had caught them, Dracos eyes met yours. Dont ask, he replied. A few hours later, Harry decided it was time to go home. Consequentially nobody really paid any attention to Hermione Grangers flight into Harrys arms. I guess we have to share him, she said sadly. But Harry slowly leveraged himself to his feet. Hed finished packing, and was just about to head down and look for some of his classmates when he spotted it a bit of paper sticking out from under Seamus Finnigans mattress. About a minute later, Harry discovered the little nub that was just starting to peek out at the top of Petunias wet cunt. The things I said to some people, the things I said to you". Lydia just reached down with both hands and hauled it off in one almost-smooth movement. But if Harry is under the influence of this curse, theres no real way to avoid it. AAUUGHGH! 1) " ". The first time Draco tries to make his smarmy comments after school has started, Luna will walk up to him, thank him, and kiss him on the cheek. She looked down at Harry between the other womans legs, and made up her mind. Hi, he answered back. All your feelings of sorrow and regret for what youd done had quickly been replaced with anger. Mrs. Polkiss watched in a kind of bewildered wonder as Harry shot stream after stream of thick white cum several feet across the room at her. For some sick, twisted reason, I wanted to do a story where the curse would take a lot longer to be countered. You cant, but Harry paid no attention to either cry as he slammed himself into Mrs. Polkisss pussy. She saw their planning sessions as they tried to find ways to combat the curse and give her a choice in the matter. Im still hungry! He whined, sullenly. Though he never quite noticed, Petunia kept sneaking glances at him, as well. Soon Dudley was off to spend time with his gang, and it took Harry and his aunt only a couple of minutes to wash the few plates theyd used for the mid-day meal. #georgeweasley But it had happened, and he was sure glad it was happening this time. Ive been stuck on this chapter for something like a month-and-a-half. God! She cried. She buried her face in Harrys shoulder, and shook with laughter, feeling the massive stress that had built up in the few seconds she had conversed with her son bleed away. Harry blushed inside his own mind as he discovered that he was the one that Hermione fantasized to, and that shed gotten herself off to the thoughts of his body and his touch even more times than hed done the same to the thoughts of hers. At least, for the violent ones. But Dudley isnt just hitting Harry, hidden in this house. Yes! For the second time Harry Potter spilled his seed into the lithe blond. We dosed Harry with a tremendously strong calming potion right before we started the trip to Grimmauld Place. It said something about balance, but admitted it wasnt right in this case. She rode Harry wildly, groaning constantly, and bucking like she was on a bull. The lust flooded through her again, and she promised herself she would not allow herself to do that again. About 15 or 16 years after the original story ends, Harry and Hermiones son, James Sirius Potter, is sick. But his experiences this summer, combined with Malfoys damned curse had made a huge difference in the young man. And she saw as Harry got to meet with the spirit of his mother, the sister she had loved so much as a child, for such an agonizingly short time before they confronted the monstrous evil that had killed them, to allow Harry to escape. How how am I supposed to compete with that, Julie asked, mournfully. She saw how he grew to enjoy contact with her, and how her hugs warmed him, some of the first hed ever received. Julie wrapped her arms around Harry from behind him, not trying to stop him, but just pressing her breasts into his back and holding him as she started whispering in his ear, Gently, Harry. Theyre better trained and more advanced, so they will hold their own a little better. "I'm excited to spend some time with you. This couldnt be, could it? She started to crawl onto the bed, and quickly positioned herself over the other womans face. Vicious, evil, violent. I think it uses so much energy in the course of a rape, it almost needs time to recharge. Draco smirked. Each and every moment of it was Tom and Tom alone. I dont own a time turner if I did, it would not have taken an entire week to get this chapter posted. You needed to go to the loo? The change that came over Ginnys face was remarkable, and though she threw herself at the toilet, she barely made it, blushing at the strong tinkling sound she made. That tongue of yours is amazing, she told the other woman, whose breath was now coming in short gasps. He's leaving on his own. Soon they were enjoying a hearty meal, and Harry was enjoying the chance to talk with his various friends, as well as the adult Weasleys and the two surviving members of the Marauders. If you stay, Id really advise you to drink that potion., What is it? Petunia Dursley moaned loudly, and Harry muttered through her snatch (sending a wave of shivers up her spine) Oh Aunty! (a canon rewrite, with a bit of a twist)(also this is not a 'Ron is Evil, actually' fic so if that's what you're expecting, maybe give this a skip). instead, she felt more loved than shed ever felt in her life. It took just a couple of seconds to hitch her dress up, and as promised, her knickers practically disintegrated.