For symptoms. youre=you are Does not change how horrible the murders were and still makes it senseless and I dont see that she is the sick person in this story, especially not sicker than the murderer and those related. Despite her husband making televised pleas for their . In the video, Atkinson mentions using her auto bonus to get a Tesla, but its clear in the crime scene footage that shes still drivinga white MazdaDodge GT more than six weeks after the rooftop video was recorded. Baggage Car Blissfield, MI 8/28/05 LW baggage - express River Raisin (Ex-VIA, nee-CN) LW Canadian Flyer coach Christopher Lee Watts and Shanann Cathryn Watts (ne Rzucek, January 10, 1984 - August 13, 2018) were from North Carolina: Christopher from Spring Lake and Shanann from Aberdeen. Adrian & Blissfield Roaring Fork 6742 (ex SP) LW economy baggage car renamed Watts Creek . It does not change the fact that someone snuffed out the life of their wife and children in cold blood, after cheating on them for months, with no regard at all that they were their own family who thought they were safe with him. Lexus appears 69 times in the Discovery Documents, while the word car appears 87 times. If you think ShanAnn was a mentally sound and stable individual, I fear for not only your intelligence, but you discretion as well. At 1:03 Bishop mentions everyone wanting to know what happened to Shanann Watts car.. Btw, I have wondered a little about Shananns mother. On August 13, 2018, Colorado father Chris Watts murdered his pregnant wife, Shanann Watts, and their two daughters, 4-year-old Bella and 3-year-old Celeste. I think that while under surveillance on August 14, Watts left in the Lexus and drove to the work truck he had parked down the street. He cant acknowledge what he did because he was acting as a proxy. He said Im finally totally free.. If youre all trying to find a good reason for all this, look more into that. But I cant find out what it was. Oh and re the potential prior arrests of ShanannI think I too saw where I thought she had been arrested around 15 times and then compared information and determined it was a Shannon Watts/a different woman. ( her children were also murdered not just her!, cause maybe youre trying to say she deserved it?). Or is he supposed to be pleased with himself now cause she was not an angel? Watts repeatedly talks about the murder of Shanann as this moment where he snapped because she supposedly threatened to take the kids away from him. Do you think he did have a plan for it that was thwarted by NA? Chris Watts ' pregnant wife, Shanann Watts, and daughters Bella and Celeste went missing on Aug. 13, 2018, after she missed a doctor's appointment. Watts said: "When I got home . According to Watts, be believed his vehicle had been vandalized or broken into, but left his toolboxes in the back unlocked to see if anyone was trying to break into the truck again. Her and her daughter asked to be responsible for sending out letters inviting guests to Chris and Shannans wedding and they failed to do that, purposely (people Shannan had invited did not turn up and claimed to have never got those invitations). [2] Its bizarre to see the public ignore what we known beyond a shadow of a doubt, and pretend theyre confused by words from a psychopath, his family and people he influenced, ONLY! Now we dont know that for sure, but consider what we do know: According to Bishop, the leasing company took back Shananns 2016 Lexus, and because it was too old to be leased out any further, they auctioned it off. There are many Chris Wattses with criminal charges, and I went through each one by one. So far I dont believe details have emerged about this dark period in Shananns life in North Carolina; however, it seems to mirror her approach to finances and life in Colorado. Statues even in the front yard. ), One last thing-I did a quick search on Shananns old address for the home she owned in Belmont NC and found an old listing with photos that definitely include some of her furniture and decor. Possibly a silly detail. #JonBenet, How John Ramsey Continues to Perpetrate a Fraud Upon the Public, Excerpt from The Craven Silence #JonBenetRamsey, Excerpt from The Craven Silence 2 #JonBenetRamsey, Excerpt from The Craven Silence 3 #JonBenetRamsey, The Reviews are in for The Craven Silence Trilogy, An Excerpt from sequin star #JonBenetRamsey, Excerpt #2 from sequin star #JonBenetRamsey, BREAKING: John Ramsey Secretly Files Civil Suit Against CBS, The Changing Stories of John Ramsey, Part 1 [SoundCloud], The Changing Stories of John Ramsey, Part 2, Our Reaction to the CNN Special Report: JonBenet, Levi Page interviews The Craven Silence authors March 2017. Abusers blame the victims, Every. To start, why dont you read the article: Women Who Hate Other Women: The Psychological Root of Snarky. I have no idea why. Weird people dont maintain friendships like Shanann had Its mind boggling to me that you believe you know her better than people who actually knew her, just from viewing fb videos. with water on their back balcony in Frederick.. Bella tried to get away, and when Chris came to rescue her by opening the glass sliding door, Shanann said something and he backed off, leaving Bella to be tormented..Because I think thats a type of torment, when the child obviously wanted to escape. Seriously, If you think anyone believes the bullshit youre trying to feed us, that youre boyfriend is a victim? According to Bishop, the leasing company took back Shananns 2016 Lexus, and because it was too old to be leased out any further, they auctioned it off Because it does seem that he had a plan. Shannans brother was actually arrested in 2015. That must suck to only get joy from lying and tearing down other women. Its pretty much standard practice when it comes to MLM companies: The dirty little secret promoters wont tell you, is that far from the auto bonus being a reward for hard work, the promoters are required to get a lease when they reach a particular milestone. Leaves youre ass for a bigger meal ticket. Im a mother and I would never do anything like it. Weld County DA Atkinson told the police at the time she went to the Watts' home, saw Shanann's car in the garage, and found it suspicious when no one answered the door. Ive written about a few incidents I observed in the videos in a comment above. A 17 year old? Look at all of the flying monkeys poring over her social media accounts, watching her videos and arriving at the conclusion that she was the patron saint of parenthood. What I tried to explain in this post is that there is early evidence linking her to legal shenanigans in her past, which may or may not mean the early report was accurate. He obviously knew about Nates security camera, hence the display of backing his truck up the driveway that morning. Shanann used to work at Dirty South after all. lol OK, Most of the people that live on their social media accounts trying to create a perfect picture of their lives are doing exactly what she was, so that would make more than half the population sociopaths too, except they all are not trying to sell a product online like she was. Why unless your getting paid for then why why why. Chris Watts was convicted of murdering Bella . I wonder if there are any divorce documents out there from Shananns first marriage. I wish I could be there the day he does it to you, like he did it to his wife. I am a Michigan State University Graduate. The babysitter said once that Bella was v upset because her mum ( Shanann) had told her CeCe could die if she ate cocoanut. If it is how they met, one can understand how she might want to keep this aspect of her life under wraps from the fairy tale obsessed Thrive crowd. Email | Print | Comments (2) He doesnt appear to be going back and forth from the garage to his truck but only seems to be walking several times AROUND his truck. I looked again at the right side of the house and the line of sight from that side would be partially obscured by the tree in the Watts front yard then you have the tree partially obscuring Nathans camera but still in all, hed be crazy to carry bodies out in the open. Old Ploy, New Game: How the McCanns are using PR [again] to influence a legal outcome that affects THEM, #Shakedown Unleashes on Sunday Night, Part 1, #Shakedown Unleashes on Sunday Night, Part 2, #Shakedown Unleashes on Sunday Night, Part 3, The Prodigal Nanny Returns #Shakedown McCann Podcast #1, #Shakedown Discusses DOUBT The Madeleine McCann Mystery with Ed Opperman. shanann watts first marriage shanann watts first marriage (No Ratings Yet) . So many Businesses ,So Many Stores! of motor vehicles its a Lexus Rx350. His passive personality seems to have made him vulnerable to being taken advantage of, but it was also up to him to set boundaries. Same reason she used Chris FB account too to post about her life and Thrive, to reach more people, therefore hopefully more customers. About. Constantly. Mentally stable people with educations dont scheme and scam, screw people out of money (only to get caught less than a month after), move or change their name multiple times within a year. She was obsessed with looking wealthy, and spent money she couldnt afford on stuff. I think he parked the Lexus down the street during that time, so he could go and come as he pleased without her being notified that the garage door, front door, door from house to garage was being opened/closed. But I cant for the life of me figure out what he could have done to dispose of that vehicle. Im guessing their combined salaries would be very modest school directors make around $35K a year and with only a high school diploma he couldnt be making more than $45K. Since were on the subject of Lexuss, when CBI got around to collecting evidence from the house and vehicles, there was mens clothing in the cargo area of the Lexus mens socks, underwear, a belt, a t shirt, and his new work boots he did not wear to work 8/13. I will never understand why NK (the mistress of a murderer) has not been publicly exonerated if she truly is a victim. Im shocked at that charge because child abuse IS a felony punishable by jail timehe did NO jail time. auto bonusChris WattsCO 528-ZJVLe-VelLeaseLexusMLMThrive. You really need to seek some psychological help. I grew up with people telling me how much they loved my mother and i was all but helpless. Basically, after working for Thrive full-time for a month, selling vitamin patches and shakes, the company apparently wanted to give Atkinson a car to reward her for her hard work. That she was so caught up in something, it swallowed her up, and encouraged the swallowing up and wholesale consumption of others, so that while this was happening, she was blinded to not one, by many obvious realities. And he would chase me around lashing me with pieces of willow full of ticks laughing his ass off about how theyre biting me and drinking my blood. Her . Now, its probably important to head off the counters to these counters, one of them being that the Watts vehicle was part of a hire-purchase arrangement, and that eventually they would become the owners of the vehicle. Shanann (left) and Chris Watts. I would love to see! Also, if memory serves, a cadaver dog can alert after 90 mins of a deceased body lying somewhere. I believe it was auctioned off because they could get a better price. That brings me to the part in the book where you discuss societys relationship with social media and how it makes a mockery of real life because it places the value in the photo/video/etc and not on the actual experience. For more information, please see our He can leave his cell for a shower or exercise, but little else. In his mind. It seems Watts used this information to renew the insurance [another expense] effective from August 15 to February 15. Its their car, not Shananns car, and its not a lease, its paid for by the company. Apologists say it was for surgeries and medications fine but if she has Munchausen and Munchausen by proxy, these amounts make sense. I have never cheated with a married man out of respect for my sisters but this marriage was all ready wrecked like chris and this monster. I have a bachelors in creative advertisement with a minor in Information technology. Curious about the terrible automobile accident Shanann had before her and Chris got together. Why did Blade Runner Killer jumble its timeline? Watts, King and RZUCEK, and a 4th if she kept her mothers name for any length of time. Im a nurse and Ive also wondered if Shanann was a bit subject to having Munchausen by Proxy. Watts, 36, murdered Shanann at her Colorado home on Aug. 13, 2018 and later suffocated the couple's two daughters, Bella, 4, and three-year-old Celeste, 3, at his job. Chris HAD to get into Shannan's Lexus even BEFORE he went into his house to pretend he was looking f What the hell was going on in that family? Nothing this woman said seems to be true, all of it a lie. Your email address will not be published. Watch out for my discussion with A Dark and Stormy Book Club this Saturday about The Murder of Vincent Van Gogh, A short interview I gave to RSG News on The Murder of Vincent van Gogh, 22 Reasons Why Lost Boys Author Mark Minnie Didnt Commit Suicide, 12 Similarities Between Mark Minnies Suicide Note and Dave Allens. If you feel the work ethic is lacking in terms of my research Carol, feel free to go somewhere else. Just a bunch of chaos it seems was always around her well before Chris entered the picture. When Watts says hes addicted to her Im sure she conveyed that she was enamored with him too but he had the leverage in that he was still married -even if he could just get free of his wife, he would always have the children. Is THIS Casey Anthonys motive, timestamped, in her own words? Also, it makes sense that he would perhaps leave using the back door or a window in the basement (that he rigged not to notify her or that were not on their system) while Shannan was away in NC. I found this set of reports somewhat humorous, in the aggregate. Someone said ( a neighbour, Jason?) Yes the 15 charges were definitely reported. Do you know of any? This is not only irresponsible journalism but it is downright Character assassination. If he could then, in his mind, take care and fix all of that then he could make sure he got the girl, without any extra baggage holding her back from full on committing to him. A car should never be leased once it is 12 years or older. Shanann had at least 3 different names. It also meant he would necessarily need to use the Lexus himself, and Shananns Facebook does show Watts often behind the wheel, while she is in the passenger seat. I believe that people who are raised in this kind of environment are extremely tolerant of toxic behaviours and personalities. Anyway, he was like one year older than me and we played in his backyard all the time. You Watts twats kill me . Shanann Watts was an American businessperson who is a victim of murder. Did he buy it and they drank beer? Really? Unless of course, they kill their child, I dont mind judging these worthless individuals. Ill pray for God to fill you with peace and love for your fellow humans and that you lose the desire to bash the dead. At the end of the day who cares anymore?? Do people really think they can make money with this etcand apply that to the delusional psychology of the crime itself. ShanAnn changed her name so Shannon was ShanAnn. The evidence is in the actions, not the words, dear. The shallow grave she had been placed in had been dug by Watts with a shovel. Shannan had a public FB page in order to use it for business. she seemed to say she had every disease she saw being discussed on tv etc. If Oscar wanted to sell his story, could he, and if he could, why doesnt he, and if he has, how has he? Police said 34-year-old Shanann Watts, who was pregnant, was found dead on property owned by Anadarko Petroleum, one of the state's largest oil and gas drillers, where her husband Christopher. And to look people up.who are desd,? I dont actually care what she lied about or any other details people are coming up with about her life or her familys (she didnt murder her husband and children!). As well as needing constant attention. More from her mother I would think, than her dad. Cece was born witha small esophagus and caused her to regurgitate food. A normal person couldnt dispose of their deceased dog the way he did his children, and if you believe they could, perhaps something is wrong with you. You didnt post enough information for anyone to play judge and jury, yet they are. Her first words to Shannans mother regarding Chris and Shannan were to the effect of, I dont get it, I dont see that she is in love with him (in love with Chris) but what she was probably really trying to say deep down is, I dont like her!. Someone needs to dig back into Shananns past in order to understand what happened in the future (I dont mean to discredit Shanann but to get a better understanding). But there was cocoanut in the bars she gave CeCe on camera!!!! The Discovery Documents, however, disagree with Shananns claim that Nickole had quit her job in May or June 2018. Ive looked for it for months, cant find it. Yes it would make absolute sense to not want the carrying out in the open. According to Watts, be believed his vehicle had been vandalized or broken into, but left his toolboxes in the back unlocked to "see if anyone was trying to break into the truck" again. Seriously, If you think anyone believes the bullshit youre trying to feed us, that youre boyfriend is a victim? Sorry to be persnickety but in a case where full interviews and all investigative documents are public it makes no sense to not be accurate when discussing the case. Especially the mothers that put their children first. But it doesnt mean she wasnt a sociopath. Its shocking that she was hired by a childrens hospital, being a career criminal and all.. Genuis! *that is the information this report from the surveilling officer is conveying about what he observed Tuesday evening*. Maybe thats why the neighbor saw him leaving through the side gate. The narrative established through investigator interviews and court documents is that he first strangled his wife Shanann, who was 15 weeks pregnant with their son, inside their Frederick, Colorado home before smothering their young daughters, Bella, 4, and Celeste, 3. I am from NC so I began digging around to find more info on them and when I saw a woman with very similar information had been arrested so many times, it definitely caught my attention. Nick Im not sure where you have found this about the loading up of the Lexus. Each one makes a difference , Call the childrens hospital she worked for Childrens hospitals are well known for hiring career criminals and most offer rehabilitation programs during shifts, especially for felons. Chris revealed. The Discovery Documents are unambiguous about Watts not only backing up his truck onto the driveway on the morning of the disappearance, but that witnesses had observed the Lexuss rear hatch was open at the same time. Its unclear whether the car was insured prior to these dates, and who was paying the insurance premium. Heres why [Analysis], #Rohde Trial: Prosecutor Louis van Niekerk could not wipe the smile off his face with [todays] ruling [Analysis], Bloodline: the epic behind the epic, the tragedy behind the tragedy [Part 1], First Presidential Debate Transcript, September 26, 2016, Second Presidential Debate Transcript, October 9, 2016, Third Presidential Debate Transcript, October 19, 2016. This is for Shanann. ..those 15 charges were against Shannon Watts, not Shanann Watts. He then spoke to police and reported them as missing at 1.40pm. But, she was born Shannon. Are there two separate occasions when Commander Eagan observed Watts putting something in his Lexus during the neighborhood canvas, and also the morning of the murders because thats how it reads above. so early in the evening of Tuesday the 14th the police finally start surveillance on CW. After hanging out at his truck for a minute, Chris Watts got back in the Lexus, drove down the street, switched direction, doubled back, and got on a highway. In case youre an even bigger moron than you sound, that would be you. Intelligent eyes. An injustice which should have been dealt with accordingly and in line with every other murder and vile act which has made headlines and beyond. Thanks to Shananns grotesque death and dumping of her body like trash at CERVI 319, Thrive have likely seen a windfall of sales over the last four months leading up to Christmas. Im a Catholic too, but lord, grandmother Rzucek ( Sandra) is a bit off the planet about it. One cadaver dog showed interest in the Anadarko work truck parked out front. Dirty South Customs = Shananns Dirty LittleSecret? How much debt did Shanann and Chris Watts have? Most likely many marriages, poor darlingso phony. Henris lack of motive might sway the Supreme Court. ANALYST, Britains youngest double murderers provide psychological code for Henri van Bredas motive, and vice versa [ANALYSIS]. Where were you when Madeleine was reported Missing? Justice Eventualis, Oscars Sentence Extended [Documents], The Dark Matter of the Oscar Behind the Great Pretender [Review of White Horse II], Shakedown Reviews Blade Runner Killer, Oscar Pistorius Part 1, Shakedown Reviews Blade Runner Killer, Oscar Pistorius Part 2, SCA Sentencing Appeal of Oscar Pistorius LIVE Blog November 3, 2017, Expert Psychologist Discusses Oscars Narcissism, An Excerpt from WHITE HORSE III #OscarPistorius, [FULL DOCUMENTS] Notice of Application for Leave to Appeal #OscarPistorius July 21, 2016, 4 True Crime Writers Join Forces to Interrogate Oscar, An Excerpt from WHITE HORSE II #OscarPistorius, An Excerpt from WHITE HORSE #OscarPistorius. So I started reading. The dogs did pick up all over the house down in the basement up in one of the girls rooms and few others places. Rohde Crime Scene Schematic: What else are we missing? Carol I did check, I spent several hours checking, which is how and why I stumbled on this charge: THE TRUTH ABOUT SHANANN'S LEXUS CAR BONUS | ANTIMLM The Recovering Hunbot 10.5K subscribers Join Subscribe 883 Share 30K views 1 year ago #ShanannWatts #AntiMLM #Le The multilevel marketing auto. Incredible Story! He had a giant weeping willow tree that was full of ticks. I went through a windshield as a child much younger than she claimed to be and the scar is quite visible. Amanda was in Shananns downline of 200. Chris initially cooperated with police and. Thank you again for your hard work. Its vulgar too. In case youre an even bigger moron than you sound, that would be you.manipulating bitch, because she expects him to support their children. Beth Karas on Oscar Sanitizing the Crime Scene? No. Chris Watts, 33, is charged with three counts of. She dabbled. Van Breda: Mondays Closing Arguments what to expect? That is NOT true! Joseph Lechleitner, 47, shot and killed his daughter Vivian Zwick, 5. 5:09-CV-32-D. They wanted to recover the bodies for evidence. And fyi, coconut is NOT in the bar she gave CeCe. Its in the discovery. A father in Michigan killed his two young children in a murder-suicide, police say. Nobody has bashed a murder victims, stories are told about them all the time in books, movies, blogs, vlogs, not everyone is acting like emotional goof balls, they want to see how the family dynamics lead to this horrific crime, if you cant get that why even remark? Your all very bored it seems. If she was wrong she could have killed someone but that was not something she cared about. Was Chris Watts having an affair with another man? Its outrageous to see people defaming the victim of murder. Manipulation is the KeyWord! Leaves youre ass for a bigger meal ticket. Then, it reads that while they were watching him, he had the Lexus hatch up and the truck doors open. Bedwan also resembles Chris Watts, even down to the manicured grey hair and goatee, doesnt he? I wouldnt be surprised if Chris isnt on work release at the same hospital soon. So posing next to cars was almost second nature to her, and if youre a mechanic, whats wrong with you or your wife, or you and your wife, using a snazzy car to sell shit? Following the disappearance of Chris' wife, Shanann Watts, and the couple's two children from a small Denver suburb in 2018, a major police hunt ensued. Quite the opposite. Quit your job like I have get free stuff, live the glamorous life, andhave no money at the end of it. Thats character assassination. There was something wrong with the little girls digestive system. There is noway Chris could have held his childrens hands above their heads and shoved them down in crude oil unless he murdered them. the last part of your post is based on you misreading a report that itself is not well written. No puss puss forever when??? He couldnt even buy lunch. But that exposes the above spiel as more than a little misleading. I am not at all suggesting that Shanann was bipolarjust thinking about the various reasons that some people seem to need the validation etc as you mentioned in the book.