Rose and Raiden's son are safe in New Zealand. Raiden's line to Vamp when questioned about his "immortality," "I Just Don't Fear Death! Overall, he possesses similar stats to Old Snake and Naked Snake. Although Raiden's involvement in the Liberian Civil War was stated as early as his first appearance in Metal Gear Solid 2, it wasn't until Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance that it was explicitly stated that Liberia was his birthplace. Raiden the White-blooded Scout, could fall from any height without damage and jump on ledges that would normally require a boost, and had no nanomachines. After they parted ways, they met again afterwards, shocked that they worked in the same place. They do this by the nanomachines in Raiden's blood which they implanted before the Big Shell. In addition, his durability was such that he claimed that he was immune to the effects of microwave emitters. The Metal Gear Solid Facebook page later confirmed that those scenes in the trailers were meant to show Raiden's training under Solidus.[51]. The following information has been detailed in official, req's Lumiere Du Ciel and Marches Du Ciel, Raiden, in the Skull Suit, is featured as a sticker in. The lines themselves, however, are incorporated into optional Codec conversations for Chapter R-04. Shortly thereafter, Raiden himself collapsed from the injuries afflicted by Vamp, urging Snake to find Big Mama in Eastern Europe. However, when Dolzaev refused, Raiden deduced from his reply that he was actually intending to blow himself up near a power pylon as his final act, but was unable to stop him in time. After becoming a Cyborg Ninja, his overall strength, speed, agility, and endurance had increased to superhuman levels, allowing him to swing two Gekko with little effort by the wires and was even able to temporarily block Outer Haven. However, the close proximity to the second drone also caused it to be damaged as well. Following Outer Haven's departure, Raiden's body was later recovered, his survival testament to his extreme resilience, though according to Otacon, he was in no condition to help them further. Blade, Mk23 Indeed, while under this persona, he frequently breaks out into manic laughter when killing his enemies; he also emits a crimson aura, and keeps the blood of his enemies on his sword. Specifically, he was modified to allow for him to utilize mid-range attacks via throwing grenades, allowing him to carry an increased supply of various grenade types; and the Command armor, colored yellow-green and possessing a traditional fighting system. Afterwards, he, under the cautions of the Blade Wolf, carefully navigated the cyborg-infested sewers before being ambushed by a Mastiff cyborg. The eye color was rectified in a promotional render released several months later via the online game Metal Gear Solid: Piece Walker. Raiden's childhood trauma still has a significant toll on his mental state, although he repressed some of the memories of the atrocities he comitted. Jack, codename Raiden, is the main protagonist of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. This also changed with the switch to Platinum Games, now taking place 9 years after Metal Gear Solid 4 and having a less dark and gritty tone. Boris then reminded him that he had less than an hour to get to Solis. Entitled Metal Gear Raiden: Snake Eraser, Raiden (voiced by Charlie Schlatter, who voiced Raikov in the main game), motivated by Rose's comment about changing the future, attempts to "erase" Solid Snake by traveling back in time in a Terminator-like fashion and attempting to assassinate Naked Snake, all ending in humorous failure. The word "Raiden" (, "Raiden"?) Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Wiki Guide, Xbox Game Pass Is Having its Best Stretch Ever, Wanted: Dead - 11 Things You Need to Know. The decision to move the time period was met with a large degree of controversy, as several fans felt that it cheapened the ending of Metal Gear Solid 4, in particular Raiden's final scene. [5] Raiden was originally supposed to get a completely new cybernetic eye to replace the one he lost, but Doktor was unable to create it before the surgery, so he had to wear a makeshift eye-patch for a while. He also insisted that he keep his pain inhibitors off as he needed it. In order to test Raiden and continue moulding him into a perfect weapon of destuction against Solidus Snake the Patriots contracted the bomber known as Fatman to provided Raiden's first official test aboard the Big Shell. This eventually culminated in Rose entering his room without his permission, which was devoid of any personal objects save for a bed and a desk. [16] Because his real name still painfully reminded him of his past, he still went exclusively by the name of Raiden. Deducing that Maverick was not going to go after World Marshal for their actions due to the illegal nature of going after them, Raiden sent a resignation letter to Boris. [38] A January 7, 1999 note by Hideo Kojima in MGS2 The Making also indicated that Raiden's real name was neither Raiden nor Jack, but was instead going to be Fanshawe, as a reference to Paul Auster's novel The Locked Room. S2 But also this could be a Big Boss parallel and setting up Raiden as a villain. Raiden appears as the playable main character in Metal Gear Rising, set four years after the events of MGS4. After Arsenal crashed into Manhattan, it was revealed that Raiden was merely a puppet of the Patriots, and that his entire mission on the Big Shell had been carefully scripted. A child soldier, raised to kill, that was brought to America and told not to kill. Specifically, he was modified to take into account the possibility of fighting various pair warfare drones, tanks, and attack choppers by possessing an increased supply of surface-to-air guided missile warheads, as well as rocket grenade launchers of both type instrument and multi-purpose capabilities. His cyborg body appears to conduct electricity or he seems to be highly resistant to it as when he is separated from his H.F Blade the lightning seems to stop. On another, Jack witnessed Solidus demonstrate to him that blades were a "noble weapon" compared to guns, by slitting another soldier's throat in front of him.[5]. The Elevators were deactivated because of Raiden's intrusion, although Doktor managed to hack into the elevator systems to ensure Raiden got in. Backed to a wall and at the enemy's mercy, Raiden was saved at the last moment by the successful virus upload, the AI's destruction disabling his opponents' internal nanomachines and incapacitating them. [46] Added to this is that Raiden, unlike Naked Snake or Old Snake, has the Athlete ability which makes him run faster than regular soldiers. MurphysGhost posted. Raiden being supplied with his new sword, after his reconstructive surgery. In the trailer for the Battle against RAY, Raiden is revealed to have a different HUD based on the one seen in Metal Gear Solid 4, because he was using a modified version of his original cyborg body, as well as the battle taking place before his duel with Sam. A month later,[12] following Raiden's surgery, Rose and her son John paid him a visit, though Raiden ignored them both, believing that the child was Campbell's, who Rose had married during Raiden's estrangement from her. In the same trailer, each of the skins is shown fighting against enemies in a similar manner to how they fought in at least one scene from their original appearances. He also could grip, hold, and even throw objects with inhuman ease and precision in his mouth. CG render of Raiden, with his visor lowered. The original brown-eyed render of Raiden from E3 2009. He also was skilled at being attuned with nature, also known as scouting, which he gave Solid Snake pointers in it when contacting him about in South America. Taken aboard Arsenal, Raiden was later freed by Olga, telling him that they had needed to use him so that Snake could sneak on board. Raiden (in cyborg form) also made a guest appearance in an episode for the low-budget comedic video game parody web-series "Mega64," portrayed by Shawn Chatfield. In addition, he also assured them that when the player play the game, they'll like Raiden a lot more than in Metal Gear Solid 2. Fatman placed several bombs at strategic structural points of the Big Shell. Rosemary is the wife of Raiden as well as a psychological counselor, and formerly a data analyst and spy. He began viewing himself as being "part of the 2%" of people who take joy in murdering enemies upon making their first kill in the battlefield. Prime examples include swinging Gekko around in a circle by his legs, and momentarily stopping Outer Haven, an Arsenal Gear class submarine with his body. What started out as essentially a recon mission turned into a resignation and all-out personal war. The only person not meant to be at the Big Shell as dictated by the Patriots was Solid Snake, who was believed to have perished two years previously in the tanker that caused the Big Shell cleanup facility to be constructed. Another nickname of his was "Jack the Ripper," a pseudonym for an unidentified serial killer in 1888 who was active in the largely impoverished districts in and around Whitechapel, London. At this time, Raiden had his original cyborg body upgraded, outfitting it with a more natural jaw using artificial skin, and replacing its outdated organic polymer muscle fiber with modern carbon nanotube muscle fiber. He is not able to use his acrobatic kick from Metal Gear Solid 2, due to most of the character models (exempting Cunningham) reusing Naked Snake's unarmed combat stances, and instead is able only to ram at opponents like any other soldier, and like the Arsenal Tengu, he is equipped with a blade so he only has three free item slots, but an advantage in comparison to the Tengu ops is that Raiden perform unending combos with his blade which gives him the chance not to get discovered while slashing enemies. In 2018, Raiden became a member of Maverick Security Consulting, Inc., doing multiple tasks while raising money for his family. After tracking the Desperado leader, Raiden confronted Sundowner, the Prime Minister, as well as Sam down to a train, Raiden was forced to watch Sundowner kill N'mani. [deleted] 5 yr. ago. Even after he recovered, his inability to protect N'mani would haunt him. This allowed him to operate at high efficiency even when he lost both his arms at the shoulders. Less than half an hour later, Raiden arrived at close proximity to the Shabhazabad Air Base. Even after his recent physical ordeal, Raiden later boarded Outer Haven during Snake's infiltration of the ship, missing both arms and wielding his sword between his teeth. Raiden was a special character downloadable from the SCENE expansion pack along with Vamp. While the plot initially detailed what happened to Raiden between Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 4, the final Platinum version is set four years after the events of MGS4.Raiden, now a member of a PMC known as Maverick Security Consulting, Inc., finds himself caught up in a Roaring Rampage of Revenge ance when an African Prime Minister he's guarding gets taken hostage . The Patriots had named him after the plane[24] and later informed Raiden that, like his namesake, he was nothing more than a weapon, a tool to be discarded once its usefulness has been outlived. -9. Instead, Kiefer Sutherland's voice clips of Big Boss were re-used for Raiden's interrogation of enemy soldiers, although slightly modified to sound more "mechanical.". Raiden White (MGS4)) Armor, full version. Raiden also showed great endurance and perseverance, as evidenced by his taking down multiple RAYs aboard Arsenal Gear, before becoming too exhausted to continue fighting. WEB shop Don Quixote group, Rakuten Books, Kingdom of momotaro, keepsakes). Raiden went on to battle several mass-produced Metal Gear RAY units. After his surgeries were finished, the mysterious figure then presented Raiden with his new sword, to which Raiden later flashed back to witnessing Solidus Snake slitting a soldier's throat as he demonstrated the honor blades had. After locating Solidus within the gap between parallel universes and learning of Solidus's plan to ensure that he and his alternate selves survive their fated defeats via interfering with the Koppelthorn Engine, he uses his abilities via the Koppelthorne Engine to seal Solid Snake into the body of a "young, blond man" and experience various surreal realities (alluding to Raiden as well as acting as a subtle nod towards Raiden replacing Snake as the main protagonist in the main story). This is from the Maverick teaser screenshot on the. Afterwards, he left to wander the Earth. Raiden eventually managed to reach Desperado's main base in Abkhazia, a production plant near the coast. This prompted Raiden to stand back up and call Armstrong insane. The final color model was unveiled on the Metal Gear Solid Facebook page at 5:58 PM on August 9, 2012. Raiden becomes available to play after achieving an "S" rank in every main Story Mission in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Armstrong believed that America had rotted to the core, so he intended to remake America so the citizens will all fight, die, and kill for whatever they individually believed in. The nickname's use in this case was a reference to Caucasians (Raiden's ethnicity) being unusual in Liberia at the time of the Liberian Civil War. Previously a child soldier under Solidus Snake, Raiden was later selected by the Patriots to test the S3 Plan at the Big Shell, as a new recruit to the reformed FOXHOUND unit. Selecting the option "I like MGS2!" At the Big Shell Raiden's mission was to rescue the President of the United States and to stop the terrorists who were said to be demanding a huge amount of money as ransom. However, he also had to endure some physical abuse by Olga to ensure her cover was remained intact. In it, Raiden went to the unemployment office at 4:00 PM on a Tuesday (16:00 hours), having been unemployed from Corporate America for four years due to the bad economy, where his unemployment manager attempts to help him get a job, but all the job offers he gets end up going horribly wrong, including an entertainer for children's birthday parties (accidentally destroyed the table and moon bounce while attempting to cut the cake bushido-style during a birthday party for a five year old kid named Leonard); plumber (wrecked Ricky's toilet further while attempting to use his sword as a plunger at 8:00 AM (08:00 hours) on Friday); Gourmet chef (overdid the Japanese Steak House-style cutting of Red and Green peppers at a Gourmet Restaurant at 7:00 PM (19:00 hours) on a Friday, causing the patrons of a Gourmet Restaurant to lose their appetite and be covered in mowed down pieces of pepper); Professional Dog Walker (accidentally electrocuted the dogs to serious injury when attempting to restrain them); Town crier (mostly rang bells to an at best ignored response from the townspeople while not declaring anything); implied professional skateboarder ("Ladies love skateboarders"; Raiden attempted to do a trick, but fumbled, causing his skateboard to go flying into a park goer's meal); Breakdancer (attempted a break-dance move, but his legs kept spinning around apparently due to a malfunction); and artist (did a picture of a cupid, only to be told by the guy nearby that his artwork sucked). It's just horrible, no matter what kind of awesome magical ninja cyborg he ends up as. By the time of the Guns of the Patriots Incident, Raiden had changed considerably; the trauma of his break-up with Rose and the "miscarriage" of their unborn son, combined with rigorous training and his torture at the hands of the Patriots, changed Raiden from an inexperienced rookie to a cold and virtually emotionless soldier, who seemingly doesn't care about his own life; for instance, in his fight with Vamp in South America, he freely admitted to Vamp that he didn't fear death. Raiden got a Resolve powerup. Additionally, the oxygen mask that Snake wears during the HALO jump bears an intentional resemblance to the diving mask that Raiden wears in the opening of Metal Gear Solid 2. Raiden himself did VIP protection, military training, and other related jobs. Because of this, he was outwardly cold and distant even to people whom he personally knew, such as his then-girlfriend Rosemary. He also fought against himself, such being the case with Red Raiden vs. Hideo Raiden and Black Raiden vs. White Raiden (and to some extent, "Fire" vs. "Ice"). The first officer character, Raiden's standard skin, is unlocked by S-ranking Hard Mode of the Jamais Vu mission while connected to the app, and the second character, Raiden in his White Armor, is unlocked by getting 25,000 points on Jamais Vu's Hard Mode. Although the prime minister was to be protected during the attack, the Desperado leader Sundowner had managed to abduct him after several cyborg soldiers ambushed his limo near the port along with a modified Metal Gear RAY unit. He then arrived in the vicinity, where Sam utilized the banners to tell Raiden about how he has killed several soldiers. A teaser image of a medical report on the Revengeance site implies that he got retinal damage from injuries that resulted in several lacerations and the amputation of a redacted body part. The civil war? Combat Ability Instead of the usual CQC three-hit combo, he instead started a spin kick which continued as long as the user kept tapping R1. Raiden then boarded the helicopter with Doktor as the pilot, having procured the brain canisters in the transport chopper. He also expressed the sentiment that the weak needed purging. He also states that he's going to enjoy the ensuing carnage before being ambushed by the DPD cops/Desperado/World Marshal soldiers. Mexican Rising demo with Raiden in a Sombrero and Poncho, from the back. However, all of this drama was a ruse by the Patriots to gain more control over Jack's life, with Rosemary acting as a spy. [33], At some point between his meeting with Rose and his participation in the Big Shell Incident, Rose had informed Raiden that he physically resembled the British singer/actor David Bowie from the latter's youth due to his androgynous features.[34]. Table of Contents 4 makes a cryptic reference to the unknown participant taking part in the VR missions, referring to the participant as "Jack. It is at this point that Solid Snake reveals his true identidy and Raiden resumes his mission to rescue the President. Social Ops Commando Raiden bonus giveaway advert for Geo. His inhuman appearance caused him to be ostracized from society and made securing employment even more difficult during the post-SOP economic recession, when even non-cyborgs had difficulty finding work. Making his way to Solis via motorcycle, he re-encountered Sam. Rose was pregnant with John during the Big Shell Incident. Also you say "George got to Colorado somehow. (Spanish for "Goodbye, friends!"). On November 2012, it was unveiled that people who pre-ordered Metal Gear Rising would get an exclusive code that allowed Raiden to use a custom cyborg body modeled after the exoskeleton used by Gray Fox. Max STMN Raiden holding the high-frequency blade. Around the time Emma Emmerich's worm cluster was starting to affect GW, after the Colonel insinuated that Rosemary had cheated on Raiden with another man the Saturday before the mission, Raiden privately angrily denied it to be the case, but then started to doubt whether he knew her as well as he did. Rosemary then called him, to which he eventually admitted to her his past as one of Liberia's child soldiers, also revealing this was why he was very distant towards her. In addition, largely because of his encounter with the Patriots AIs late into his mission, he also did extensive research on the subject of AIs, and wondered whether the Patriots AIs were actually sentient, or simply programmed to be that way. At the beginning of the Big Shell mission, Jack was briefly referred to as "Snake" before his codename was changed to "Raiden" by the Colonel, as the leader of the terrorists was also referring to himself as Solid Snake. Sometime after arriving at the Big Shell Raiden unknowningly met up with Solid Snake, although the man was claiming his name was Iriqoius Pliskin in order to stop himself from being detected. Raiden also displayed signs of mental and emotional instability and a dissociative identity around the time he started his missions involving Desperado. Sunny later informed Raiden about the gate, and informed him that she'd send an invoice requiring Raiden to pay for the repair and reinforcement costs, causing Raiden to lament that Rose would most likely "kill" him for the expenses. Nonetheless, he managed to buy enough time for the train to pass through the tunnel before Sam could kill him. His use of a sword is also referenced by Roy Campbell upon Raiden's recruitment, stating that a new soldier joined who wields a katana. While Snake warded off more approaching Gekko, Raiden engaged in another blade fight with Vamp and ultimately emerged the victor, defeating his enemy once and for all. Prior to finding out that Pliskin was in fact Snake, he also held some respect for Pliskin in terms of mentorship and camaraderie. [63] Another update on the official site indicated that the MGS4 Raiden skin will be available for pre-order from Amazon for the Japanese release of Rising. He shares this codename with the Mitsubishi J2M Raiden, an Imperial Japanese WWII fighter aircraft, which the Allied forces codenamed "Jack." Raiden is first depicted as a white-haired adult who uses a protective suit known as a "Skull Suit" (, Sukaru Stsu) for his missions in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Ames goes on to reveal that the aim of the terrorists is not the destruction of the Big Shell, but the ultimate aim of the terrorists is to detonate a nuclear bomb over Manhattan, thus liberating it from the influence of the Patriots because of an electromagnetic pulse that will knock out all communications. Raiden decided he liked the look, after a while, and enjoyed the extra clarity the cameras gave and kept the eyepatch on his new body.[20]. A day after the events of Abkhazia, he and Blade Wolf were dispatched to Guadalajara, the capital of Jalisco, one of 32 states within Mexico, to infiltrate a research facility. The mercenary leader has constructed Metal Gear, a bipedal nuclear-capable tank, and plans to use it to establish Outer Heaven as a world superpower. As a direct result of the disastrous events in Africa, Raiden had become somewhat bloodthirsty, yet harboring a strong desire for justice. [39], In addition, the very first concept for Raiden designed by Yoji Shinkawa was similar to the Marvel Comics superhero Spider-Man, crawling across walls, and was significantly deranged in personality, even licking bird poop. After traversing the rooftops, he then was instructed by Blade Wolf to access an abandoned rail system dating back to the 19th century. Raiden then learned that Desperado wanted N'mani dead because Africa's been getting "a bit too peaceful" under his reign, as Sundowner wanted to restart the war economy due to feeling that it was his livelihood. The script included in The Document of Metal Gear Solid 2 indicated that Raiden's hair color was changed prior to the script's finalization,[36] while Rose retained the original blonde hair by the time the script was finalized. Raiden's claim of being a "two-percenter" is a subtle reference to the term "one-percenter," referring to the concept of the 1% of America's richest people. Become somewhat bloodthirsty, yet harboring a strong desire for justice overall, he re-encountered Sam boris reminded... Inc., doing multiple tasks while raising money for his family him that he had than. Motorcycle, he possesses similar stats to Old Snake and Naked Snake Goodbye. Through the tunnel before Sam could kill him exclusively by the DPD cops/Desperado/World Marshal soldiers Elevators... 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